Election meddlers' apology letters reveal shocking lack of remorse

Their handwriting is clearly the best thing about either of them.


Gross. Just gross. I don’t think there are enough words to describe how gross this is.


Fascism means never having to say you’re sorry.


… am I the only one who just feels completely surreal at all these apologies regarding literal treason?
In a legal sense, why the devil are judges entertaining any of this? If you were caught selling cocaine, do you get to write lines to reduce your sentence?

The motivation in these scenarios is clear, unadulterated malice. It’s all crocodile tears, and if they’re not, it’s just a matter of them finally finding out. There’s zero reason to let anyone think that fucking around on this scale should be something you can walk back.


They hate and fear everyone else who isn’t them, they want more control, and they’re willing to overlook any discrepancy with any of their purported values so long as they personally profit?

Oh, wait, that was rhetorical, wasn’t it?


They don’t even care about the world that would have been created if they had been successful with their treasonous actions; they just want a higher position on the food chain, regardless of what that chain looks like. There’s no political ideology for any of them, it’s all about power and greed, even if it were supporting a socialist agenda instead of the ultra right wing fascism they’re currently supporting.

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No, quite a lot of them are very much legitimately fascists. They are showing us who they are, so believe them.


hey now. i support a socialist agenda, and i’m not so bad.

i would agree that in a different world there might be a different banner that these people might act under. however, their goals would remain the same: empowerment of white wealthy christian men, and a society in which they and their friends can act with impunity while the apparatus of the state works to restrain everyone else

call it what you will. fascism is a decent label


I’m reminded of some political theory perspectives that fascism is ideologically agnostic. Policy is a second thought to the wielding of power.

From that perspective, you’re agreeing each other in circles. Fascists wield power and will adapt their stated values to match whatever preserves it. That’s partly why there can be no alliances, because no matter what stated values they have, they aren’t limited by them and will gladly change them the moment they’re inconvenient.


political theory might say they’re agnostic. i’d argue here in the us, it’s been otherwise. the gop - and the groups that compose it - they’ve been remarkably consistent over time.

they will never change their minds about race, gender, sexuality, religion, or the accumulation of wealth. they just won’t.

and they can’t be allies because they seek to dominate rather than share. it’s not more complicated than that

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That’s precisely what it is, of course.

That’s authoritarianism, as fascism has a very distinct ideological bent. Authoritarianism can be found in both left and right variants, while fascism is a specific political orientation.

I would very much argue it’s not.

All of that is very specific political orientation, too.


that’s a nice clear explainer. i’ve definitely tended to conflate the two terms. ( never more!* )

(*how and why is there no raven emoji!? )


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I think Hannah Arendt gives more shades of gray in her book on totalitarianism?

But then again, that and authoritarianism are also often conflated? :thinking: but I think they’re similar in that they both can be used for anti-democratic movements/governments that aren’t necessarily left or right?

Either way, fascism has a very distinct political and ideological definition and it has since Mussolini developed it.


They are less sorry than this:

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