Election still a tossup after long night of counting

But they got a tax cut and he single-handedly saved the economy before the Dems wrecked it with the China virus! /s


I’m not entirely convinced this is true.


States to watch as of 10:30 AM on Wednesday:

If Biden wins only the three uncalled states he has a lead in - Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada - then he wins at exactly 270 votes.

If Biden wins only Michigan and Pennsylvania, then he wins at 274 votes.

If Trump picks up Pennsylvania or Michigan, he still has a shot. He would also have to keep North Carolina and Georgia as well as pick up at least one other state. For example, Pennsylvania and Nevada would put him at exactly 270.


Over here in Europe, a lot of documentaries are portraying Americans as low-information cultists who go to megachurches and are afraid of “socialism” as some sort of bogeyman. It makes me sick and embarrassed that my citizenship is the same as these dunces.


This is true of some Americans. But it’s also true that many are deeply unable to examine their own biases. This also ignores the media landscape… It is an inadequate means of understanding the problem. But I suppose it let’s Europeans feel better and ignore their own systemic racism, so…


I beg your pardon? The ‘ethnic minorities can’t be racist because they are a race’ notion is a fallacy. Latinxs come in the whole range of ancestries from Middle Eastern to Indigenous American to European to African to recently Asian and have the same propensity to racism as everyone else.
Add to that the fact that those with residence/citizenship in the heart of the Empire have climbed to the top of the heap, often by having started at the top of the local heap in their colonized country and there you have it.


I hear you @Mindysan33 and not having a clearcut result is in many ways worse as it legitimizes the conspiracy wackos.

Not being American, I asked a friend from California how this kind of result is possible. He kindly summed it up to ‘a declining nation that underfunded education, rewards selfish greed, and celebrates ignorance’.

Pretty harsh - but I think the education part is bang-on, as it has many downstream impacts.

Hope you and the people you care about are weathering this ok.


In a decent place this should be a landslide. With these disappointing election results I feel utterly alienated, like I don’t belong here anymore. Even here in NorCal, at least a third of the electorate voted for Cheeto. Who are these people, my neighbors, and why am I here with them? I don’t trust them with my future.
The worst thing is, it could happen again in four years. Some other a’hole could swagger in and the American electorate would just lap it up with a spoon.
I know, I’ve been in a bubble thinking today would be a triumph for rationale. Just maybe instead of busting that bubble I need to move somewhere where it could be true. Is there anywhere like that (that isn’t freezing all the time)?


I’ve got a suggestion.

All you people upset with the US, come over here to the UK, even with the conservatives in power, we’re still leting educated people in… a few million more voters would help immensely to rid us of these damn tories.

I know it’s not that simple, but I think the UK is still somewhat redeemable (probably too cold for you Green, sorry).


I’m a middle aged, Southern white guy with rural roots who’s voted Dem his whole life. I’m disgusted. That this wasn’t an unequivocal Democratic landslide is an indictment of white people, period. This is on us. White people suck. We just suck.


Sounds pretty accurate to me.

Here’s hoping that with this election we can flush some that ugliness away.



I haven’t seen a count of how many registered voters actually voted (and I’m not doing any more searches re: politics today. I’m getting too depressed.)

I’m afraid apathy is why ignorance is allowed to triumph so completely.


Um… I think I know this one… um, FEATURE, right, did I get it right?


Lots. President Biden will have the largest popular vote in history. And lack of participation is a problem everywhere. The US is, I believe, on the upper end. Lack of fired up participation is usually described as a big negative but, hear me out, sometimes it’s because people don’t feel the status quo is too bad. Like Northern Ireland always had a higher participation rate than Ireland, it wasn’t because good stuff was getting done. In a civil war participation is through the roof.


as of the end of early voting it was already at modern record high. participation looks like it’s going to be around 68-70% of registered voters which is way above the previous record of around 62% in 2012.


At any rate, the polling error this time around appears to be almost identical to the polling error last time around. What are the pollsters doing wrong? Did they not fix their sampling methodology at all from last time?


It needs to be higher than that, clearly.

Racism is a real factor and ignoring it’s role in Trump’s presidency doesn’t help shit. We have to stop hiding our heads in the sand and DEAL with this reality, or we’re going to keep getting the same damn result.


I live on the frontlines "Trumpland, Westmoreland County Pennsylvania (hi Rob!) I hope this gives me a little street cred here :slight_smile:

I knocked on doors, worked the calls, everything. Our team had amazing effort. More people wanted to participate than every before. It was incredible!

Unfortunately, all the effort in the world will never make an awful strategy a good one, and that’s exactly what happened here in Pennsylvania.

The state dems let us down.

The local dems let us down.

The national dems let us down.

The activist organizations let us down.

The holier than thou local art community constantly posting shit on instagram about how Biden is corrupt and not getting out the vote didn’t help either.

Honest to Christ we got outworked at every corner with the ground game. Our state party didn’t even print off down ballot cards of all offices on the ballot to explain all of the races to people showing up in person.

The republicans delivered perfectly for their volunteers. Let me say it again. They delivered everything PERFECTLY to their volunteers. They were well armed, trained and ready to go.

Essentially, it was a repeat of the Kerry campaign, albeit improved because Trump is that awful and we may yet win.

I’m at peace with it either way. We have to do a better job at understanding that a good ground game consists of more than just dumping money into consulting agencies with ZERO track record.

I’m looking at you Bloomberg!


Jonathan Pie, always worth a watch, has some very depressing but good points about why people vote for Trump:

The other side of the coin is the insidious nurturing of poverty and ignorance by successive conservative policy makers.
Lower the quality of education and food available to the poorest in society, and you end up with a population who are easily manipulated by scare tactics and outright lies. It’s the same in the UK.