Election still a tossup after long night of counting

don’t forget this “perfectly normal” scene from 20 years ago–



I’ve been refraining from commenting, but this is in the bag. There is zero chance he’s going to discover the tens of thousands of votes needed in NV or MI and PA and GA are rapidly erasing his lead. Even without those last two, Biden still wins. At this point, trump needs multiple miracles to win and they’d all require some highly suspicious activity like finding a whole truck full of GOP ballots.

I know this has seemed discouraging and frustrating, but honestly it has panned out nearly exactly how all of the smartest non partisan sources have said; Joe’s lead would evaporate overnight and we’d be waiting for very specific states to count mail-in ballots that would drastically favor Biden (currently around 80%!!! in PA) and things would shift back blue. The Senate’s a bit of a disappointment, but only really because of the dramatic leftward shift since the pandemic began. That doesn’t necessarily translate to actually taking those seats, though. Not a landslide, but it is a spanking nonetheless. I mean, GEORGIA!

ETA: Just checked in again and Joe’s Michigan lead is up to 61,000 votes with 99% counted. They’re going to call it any minute. trump is hemorrhaging votes everywhere.


Or they’re not familiar with how oppressive his regime was, how unpopular, how brutal he was. They believe that pre-Castro Cuba was a glamorous paradise of economic freedom, not a kleptocracy built on Mob owned night clubs, a playground for Wealthy white Americans.

JFC, they do not want democracy, do they?


Of course not. They might lose.


Literally all of the outstanding vote in GA, which is tens of thousands of votes that could give Biden the edge, are in the Metro Counties. Trump might still win, but the lead is so very narrow that GA is now a swing state.


Called it! Get me a Coke!


I know!!! Unreal.

I have a feeling that once the dust has settled, the black community is going to show some major movement in all of these yet-undecided states (except NV). I’m sick of hearing about white women with college degrees. This election belongs to the Aunties!


This year I am thankful for Stacey Abrams.


Bring me the head of Nate Silver, dammit.

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Both sides will be weak, which is basically a repudiation of the loudest voices on all sides. Oxygen will flow to those who before this tight outcome were timid to speak their minds about the counterproductive tactics the left is taking (poorly designed slogans, a “fuck you” mentality based on social media interactions not on the ground research, lack of grassroots community activism, etc.).

I truly think this is the moment for some new, fresh inspiration voices to show up. I’ve seen too many loudmouth hypocritical people on either side irritate everybody. We’re all sick of them.

And all of them just stand there and let him shout. He almost seems surprised that no one jumped him, and when he’s done, he doesn’t know where to go.


Election Porn!



Oh sweet Jesus I hope you (and others echoing this) are right. I can’t take 4 more years of Trump :grimacing::pray:


It’s happening! This is how Virginia started and Ga. is next! :smile:


I think this is what the kids refer to as “having a normal one”.


That’s an interesting topic for debate and I appreciate you adding it to my comment. However, in electoral terms the difference between the Racist vote and the Merely Prejudiced vote may prove immaterial.

Additionally, it’s important not to homogenize Latinxs as if that term described only 1 demographic. I would further timidly argue that intersectionality shows us how one individual can be both oppressed and oppressor within the same system, where the logic is often described as a pecking order after all.

Finally, fwiw, my lived experience in the southern cone of South America both with families here and their diaspora living in the Northern Hemisphere leaves me no doubts about how dang racist white latinxs can be, even if they look ‘ethnic’ to WASP eyes.


I’m not sure if they 100% line up, but beforehand we knew Biden would likely win. That range means Trump could win, Biden wins by a little, or Biden wins by a lot. We also knew Republican votes would come in early and we may not have a final tally by election night or even the next day.

I think reading a book chapter by chapter is way more suspenseful than reading a summary of what happened at the end. I also hear that narratives get baked in on election night and historians spend years trying to correct it. Lastly, know my animal-brain has trouble separating probabilities with predictions.

We now know the polling of Cubans in FL was way off. The Senate results seem to be a surprise and disappointment. Im curious what the final numbers end up being and what might try and explain the differences.

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That Collins and Graham were reelected baffles the mind.


When you considered how much money Jamie Harrison spent, and how Gideon outspent Collins, almost 3 to 1, and still lost… I mean, I’m glad that it doesn’t seem to be possible to buy an election, but…