Elizabeth Warren's Ancestry

Just to be clear, you’re quoting @chgoliz, not me.

(My great-grandmother? Why, she was a lumberjack. And she was okay. She slept all night, and she worked all day.)


The narcissist will always accuse you of what they themself are doing.

Specifically, Trump lies about anything for exactly those two reasons.

he’s trying to make fun of Warren for making a (possibly) false claim to be part native.

He is recycling an attack like ginned up when Warren was running for Senate, which falsely accused her of using some sort of affirmative action program, which in the full context of the facts, is baldly a racist accusation - one Trump is recycling, because he is a thin skinned, racist Bully.


Did you read the rest of the post?


You’re not sure. But that reflects solely on you.


You’'d be hard pressed to find any family whose oral history didn’t contain a good amount of bullshit, that every family member will swear is true. I have yet to meet anyone with the family name of Boone, who didn’t claim to be a descendant of Daniel Boone.


At the end of the day, whether Elizabeth Warren has Cherokee ancestry or not, I still agree with her positions. I live in Massachusetts, I voted for her, and I’ll vote for her again given the opportunity. This whole issue was originally brought up when she was running against Scott Brown – well, was I supposed to vote for Brown, someone whom I mostly disagree with, or Warren, someone whom I wholeheartedly agree with? Was that the most important issue in the election, and was that the best skeleton he could drag out of her closet?

No human will ever be the perfect candidate, because no human is perfect. I’ll take Elizabeth Warren over Scott Brown or Bill Weld or fill-in-the-blank-GOP-candidate any day.



I still haven’t heard anything about Warren’s actions in this regard that dissuades me from seeing the whole debacle as a right-wing canard, cooked up about a politician who’s saying and doing things they find threatening. Given that, the whole affair makes me think all the more of her.


A shockingly large percentage of black Americans claim to have Native American ancestry - well above the actual percentage that do. A friend of mine was one of them until he got a DNA test. His family dismissed it as a mistake. I only assume that in some households, it is a thing and I don’t blame people for not being curious enough to verify if it was true or not.

That said, Trump’s attacks are stupid. Given the situation, the comments themselves might not be racist, but unless you’re familiar with the Warren ethnicity issue, they appear racist which is just as bad.

But… but… but they are.

The racism was the point of making them, so…


Shocking? What’s so “shocking” about that?

A large percentage of white people claim to have it too – and waddya know, well above the actual percentage that do.


it begins with Scott Brown saying this:

I think character is important. I think what you’re referring to is the fact that Professor Warren claimed that she was a Native American, a person of color, and as you can see, she’s not. That being said, she checked the box and she had an opportunity actually to make a decision throughout her career when she applied to Penn and Harvard and she checked the box claiming she was a Native American.

She did not do that. Flat out did not do that. She did not attend Harvard or Penn. She went to Rutgers.

She later taught at both of those though, before becoming a US Senator by beating out a lying sack of shit thin skinned racist bully named Scott Brown.


Apparently for republicans, there’s more than one way to skin a red.


it’s sad that they’re so green and yellow.

The most audacious thing she ever said, and why she gets all this love:

There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. … You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for; you hired workers the rest of us paid to educate; you were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory, and hire someone to protect against this, because of the work the rest of us did. Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something terrific, or a great idea. God bless. Keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is, you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.


Yes. A video of her saying that is what got me to really start following her. Didn’t it also include the phase that got skinned of context, “you didn’t build that”?


Nope. That phrase came from a later Obama speech on much the same subject.


Ah, thanks.

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