Elon Musk is lying about his daughter

I haven’t looked into it much, tbh. It’s all a moot point anyway, unless I can find $2k that wouldn’t be put to better use elswehere to pay for an evaluation.


Yeah, that’s the real bottom line, unfortunately. Any time you have any medical appointment, talk with the practitioner to see if they can order the evaluation, or refer you to someone who can. When it goes through the medical pipeline, it’s more likely to be covered.


I’ll see how that goes. I know we couldn’t get my kids an evaluation covered through referral, but we were able to find a new clinic that was desperate for patients that was offering discounts for kids’ evaluations that most of it was covered by my ex’s benefits package. I get $2k/year for mental health now, but I use that all to cover my therapy sessions (and wish I had more).


Eon Muks is a bad man https://youtu.be/jocI_R8lMpM

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I want to applaud the terminally online folks who called this one straight down the middle.

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My niece refers to her bio father as her sperm donor. She calls my brother ‘Dad’, even though he never formally adopted her and is now divorced from her mother.


Are people still able to track his private jet?

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i feel that. I can’t afford a diagnosis either, but my autistic friends all think I am.

That’s been my experience.


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