Elon Musk offers sperm to seed a Mars colony

What! Oh my goodness I need a time machine - take me to 2107 and let me fly!!!

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In beta.

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It’s not even proof of concept at this stage, just look at the fit and finish…


It’s really nice looking bug

What are the consequences of panel gap for manned spacecraft again?

Fct Airlock GIF by Versus Evil

Oh, that’s right.


Do we really want a Mars colony where they all have That Elon Look?

There is a distinct difference between commenting on someone minding their own business and pointing out the shortcomings of someone who shouts loudly in a crowded room “gaze upon me with envy, for I am the pinnacle of human evolution.”


Maybe he wants to be top of this list.

Onan Musk?

Goblin Mode!!!


Media always cover these guys like it’s a great thing and they should be proud of themselves

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You’re not thinking outside the box enough. He doesn’t want a city of a million LIVING people up there, he just wants a million bodies up there so his sperm progeny have something to feed on. Capitalists gotta capitalism.

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I assumed he would carry on as before and just impregnate all the women who go with him to Mars.

We could even call his ship the B-Ark.


Musk’s plan: Use the inevitable first 900,000 dead to feed the rest via a mushroom garden ala Amuse-Bouche episode of Hannibal TV series… assuming cannibalism would never be on the table:

The fungi garden of a fun guy! | Hannibal, In this moment, Disturbing

Don’t go! It’s a cookbook!


“Hello! Welcome to Mars!”
“Thank you, it’s a dream to be here, on the cutting edge of human endeavour!”
“Thank you for daring to dream. Now, we’ve allocated quarters for you.”
“There are different regions based on … um, various standards and occupations.”
“O… kay.”
“But don’t worry: you’ve been sorted, based on your aptitude tests, into the best one. You will have a low manual workload, and your descendants will be mumblemumble…”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that last part.”
“Oh, your descendants will be treated just as well until they’re harvested.”
“Sorry, what?”
“What was that last bit?”
“Oh, nothing important. Welcome to the Eloi quarters!”


I think what actually happens there is the people who were forced to do all the work start hunting all of Musk’s descendants. Eloi is very plainly a plural for Elon.


So- “Let them eat sperm”

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Numbers in italics are inexact, particularly of rulers of antiquity…

… and paternity.

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