Originally published at: Elon Musk seems to think he is Michael Scott from "The Office" | Boing Boing
That makes no sense. Muskie doesn’t understand how to set up a joke like that.
It’s harder than it looks.
Elon Musk is like Michael in that; he’s a good salesman, who’s advanced waaaay beyond his competency. He loves jokes and puns, but doesn’t really understand how they work or why they are funny. He is super awkward, a bit dim, and everyone around him has to manage/handle him carefully to get anything actually done - and most people he deals with just get frustrated and annoyed.
He just lacks any of Michael’s redeeming qualities, like heart and loyalty etc
Musk would be infinitely better if he were played in real life by Steve Carrell.
He has employees left?
All he has left is a “Worlds Best Boss” coffee mug and the primo parking space.
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