Elon Musk to allow Alex Jones back on Twitter, days before the anniversary of the Sandy Hook school shooting

Pictured: Toxic Masculinity (it needs to be triple bagged and hurled in to the sun).


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/s added. No I wasn’t serious. Also @Melizmatic @TornPaperNapkin apologies to each of you. I thought it would be known to be sarcastic as Elon just literally did a big “go fuck yourself” in a live on stage interview, and it was not so well received.


Linda Yaccarino at the moment:

Animated GIF


Once again, poe’s law applies, since there are people who seriously say shit like that. If you wish to be understood in a text-based conversation, please be clear on your meaning. So, yes, including a sarcasm tag is helpful.


I wish sarcasm tags weren’t needed, as they do tend to dilute good snark.

But, alas;
As @Mindysan33 already mentioned, there are far too many folks who would make such a comment in full seriousness, (as unsettling as that idea is.)

Thank you for clarifying.


When Elno originally backed banning Jones, it was two things - a hypocritical double-standard on display (“I’m a free-speech absolutist. Speech should be allowed no matter how upset the words make you - what’s important is how upset they make me”), but it was also a “broken clock”* moment, in that banning Jones was absolutely the right thing to do.

*At this point, it has become clear that Musk isn’t even a broken clock. I mean, still broken, but it’s not an analog clock, but a digital device. And it turns out it’s not a clock, but a calculator. And the calculator just says, “BOOBS.” Except some of the display elements are broken, so it actually says, “BOCBS.” He never has the right answer.

Ah yes, a sign of the same astute political/economic (total lack of) comprehension that led to him saying that he thinks the existence of unions “creates a lords and peasants sort of thing.”

That assumes she’s a reasonable person, which the current balance of evidence suggests she is not, at all. It seems like she hasn’t “drunk the Kool-Aid” so much as she is snorting lines of the unmixed powder off the back of a Trump-autographed copy of “Art of the Deal.” She’s all-in on turning Twitter into (even more of) a cesspool of right-wing lies (which is why she’s allowing political ads - something Twitter banned because of the disinformation problem - with her son in charge of them, in the run-up to the 2024 elections).


Elon Musk claims to be an anarchist. One of those anarcho-capitalist type deals


Does he really though? Given how Twitter has become little more than a right wing echo chamber, it seems like he’d just be preaching to the choir.


I, for one, read this as satire, before the added “/s”.


No apologies needed to me. Sarcasm or no I just find the whole thing so damned sad.


Even if all the sane people left, Elon would be left with a pretty dangerous shit stirring operation. Kind of like world net daily, but with a larger subscription base,.

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Oh yeah, Alex Jones. That will get advertisers and users back into the swing of things. LOL.


thats how its done; double down, triple down, quadruple down…/s


there is always a next generation to grift on. /s

he doesnt understand (or doesnt want to) anarchism. so theres that.


It’s driving people away, and Elno is doing his best to amplify right-wing voices, but it hasn’t become that yet, though. A lot of people are sticking with it because that’s where their communities still are, and I see a fair number with the attitude of, “I was here before Elon and his Nazi buds, and I’m going to fight for it and still be here after Elon is forced to sell it off.” That makes Twitter a lot more valuable to right-wingers than something like Truth Social, that has never worked because it only ever was an echo chamber that attracted true believers with no one to tr0ll (and if Twitter ever fully succeeds in driving away the non-right-wing voices, it’ll fall apart like Truth Social).


This is what I was saying in another thread about him reading a lot of SF but never getting it. Like he’s clearly read the Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson but he thinks that when he colonises Mars, he’ll be the real-world Arkady Bogdanov or Hiroko Ai without ever realising by being the person who found the colony, he’s inherently incapable of doing the things that made the people of Mars love Arkady and Hiroko. At best, he’d be the colony’s equivalent of Phyllis Boyle - the UN bootlicker who oversaw some police state bullshit.

Not that he’ll ever colonise Mars because he has no intention of tackling the big issues that such a mission would face, so it’ll always be ten years away.


Has he though? I don’t think that the many layers of thought in that series, driven by Robertson’s ecstatic love of nature, are visible in anything he says or does.

I think he played Surviving Mars for a few hours like I did. And he played it like it was Universal Paperclip Generator. And he played that like it wasn’t about humans and capital.


I think Musk’s idea of anarchy is him throwing (metaphorical) bombs around just to see stuff blow up.

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I think his “anarchy” is just wanting governments to never stop him doing anything he wants while at the same time ignoring their enabling him to do everything he does. Basically the Conservative attitude to law: an in group it protects but does not bind and everyone else it binds but does not protect.


Im quite certain he sees himself in his wettest mars dreams of dreams as someone like douglas quaid, but as usual would actually be the villain;