Elon’s struggle with Twitter revenue? He blames the Jews

What do you mean? People would LOVE the Nazis if it weren’t for the ADL.


I did cancel already, and it was a Christmas gift.


That is a good point and while I’m hesitant to concede that Musk is clever enough to plan that, it could be the end result all the same :pensive:


Good point. This one was especially tough for me. He’s an ex-USMC marine and around my own son’s age. It bothers me so much, that I want to try and help reach him if I can. We can’t save them all, but sometimes when can take a moment, reach out a hand and save one person.


Normal people when they sue other people have their lawyers do it. They don’t go to a bullhorn in the Nazi bar to call out the Jews.


Riling up bigots to take action against Jewish people doesn’t require “cleverness.” It’s been a thing for Millennia.


How fascist got a reputation for being strategic geniuses, I’ll never know…


That’s fair enough and it’s hard to see people go down this path, especially if you know them (which I’m inferring that you do). I had a friend from high school that wound up in conspiracy land. There are resources out there on de-radicalization that probably provide tools beyond engaging on social media that can help. This is one from Canada:


Musk is SUCH an asshole. There is no need to resort to dog-whistling using anti-Semitic insinuations. He needs to STFU, take a few years off, and grow the hell up.


Musk’s opposition to the ADL is like Trump’s opposition to Covid testing (the infection rates wouldn’t be so high if we didn’t do so much testing!).


About once a week, I’ll pop over to twitter for some reason (this week it was to monitor the progress of a forest fire 5 miles from my house - the New Jersey Forest Fire Service is still on twitter). Each time, after I’ve found whatever info I went there for, I check out a couple of the trending topics, and each time, more and more and more of the replies on those topics are far right fascists/nazis/extremists. I saw something yesterday about Truth Social may be shutting down, and my first thought was, “Well yeah…it’s not needed anymore. That’s what twitter has become.”


Hmmm… he let Nazis back on the platform, monetised white supremacists, likes and quotes their tweets - for someone who claims to be completely opposed to antisemitism, Musk sure has a 5D chess approach.

Do you reckon anyone has told him that there will be a discovery phase of any trial?


So the X platform becomes the place where all the N@zis hang out, even the ones who just pretend that they’re not N@zis, namely the Proud Boys, White Nationalists and the Oath Keepers, and Elmo is surprised that the ADL is for some reason he cannot fathom AGAINST THAT? He’s pretty thick, then.


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I’m wrong, a google search equates that exactly with Proud Boys
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You forgot “Western Chauvinists”


He’s clearly never heard the “Nazi Bar” story. Or did, and thought, “What a great idea!” Probably the latter is more likely.


So… the ADL destroyed Xitter by complaining about some Nazi sh!t and Elmo is torqued? Am I getting this right? This timeline seems dark and full of errors, or comedy. Can’t tell which.

Did Hair Shitler tweet anything other than his mugshot? I’m boycotting Xitter, so i won’t click on that crap. Ever. They seem upset that I don’t feed them anymore: I get a dozen or more Xitter emails every day now.


Leave it to a shitlord like musk to defame the Anti-Defamation League via a defamation lawsuit.


Ah yes, welcoming Nazis back to the platform, nearly non-existent moderation, destroying the value/concept of the blue check, and making it a shitty place to advertise anything that isn’t My Pillow or gold coins. CLEARLY it’s the fault of someone else. :confused:

And Truth Social might go tits up soon, or possibly within a year. If Trump gets back on, it’s just going to get worse.


To be fair, the ADL did organize a campaign to pressure advertisers to boycott Twitter back in November that probably did help tank their revenue, but his threat of a lawsuit was that they defamed him by calling him and xtwitter antisemitic, presumably while pressuring advertisers, but I haven’t seen anything to back that up.

Shoot, at one point, the head of ADL even explicitly said Musk wasn’t antisemitic.

Musk seems to be promoting left-wing criticism of the ADL too, but also said they pursue a far left agenda.

And now I’m done with my xtwitter usage for the month.

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I hope they sue him for defamation in response to these accusations.

In another jursdiction he’d definitely lose but he somehow got away with calling a guy a pedo by claiming it just an insult despite repeatedly inferring that he had specific information about the guy. That was really weird.

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