Elvira's public appearances coming to an end

They’d have a total meltdown for daring to “ruin star wars for them” by doing that.


Carrie Fisher last year had a great reply about the costume:

There’s been some debate recently about whether there should be no more merchandise with you in the “Return of the Jedi” bikini.
I think that’s stupid.

To stop making the merchandise?
The father who flipped out about it, “What am I going to tell my kid about why she’s in that outfit?” Tell them that a giant slug captured me and forced me to wear that stupid outfit, and then I killed him because I didn’t like it. And then I took it off. Backstage.

ETA - that should be canon. I just thought of a later scene:

Han: Hey Leia, thanks for taking care of Jabba back there. Life should be easier with just the Empire after us.

Leia: Oh… yes. That is totally why I did that. Right. To get the bounty hunters off our back.


Now that I’ve RTFA, and seen the photo at the top, I’m thrilled to see that she has not had noticeable plastic surgery (for example, there are wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and on her forehead). To me, most public figures look like wax dolls because of the unnaturalness of their features.

So not only has she created and maintained a public career and inspired many people, she’s done so without succumbing to the pressures of trying to look 20 forever. That’s strength of will, right there!


I’m happy about that too because she has really beautiful eyes. With or without the Elvira makeup they’re quite striking, and eyes almost always seem affected by plastic surgery.


She’s a god damn national treasure!


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