Embroidered toast

I don’t think that’s true. I think if the world economy was more equitable, there would be more than enough for all. But then how would Archer-Daniels-Midland pay a dividend?


Agreed. As I said above, I think it’s the commodification of food, not the ability to produce food, that’s caused the problems…


Or the Holodomor. Fucking horrible beyond measure, although not related to capitalism. This was just Stalin flexing his “Abhorrent Evil Mass Murderer” muscle.

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Word. I think when we look back at the 19th and 20th centuries, we should attempt to better clarify how the modern state emerged, split along these economic lines, yet had often similar, violent, and brutal ways of controlling the populations that lived within these pre-determined borders, whether it was capitalist or communist in nature. The problem tends to be with these large scale, inhuman institutions, not necessarily “capitalist” or “communist” states. Seeking to lay blame at the feet of one or the other misses the humanist point, I’d argue.


This is more like crochet or tatting than embroidery. Some of it looks like the old string art from elementary school.

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Beat me to it! :stuck_out_tongue:


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