Emotional labor watch: "Closers" flirt on behalf of men who use Tinder

It’s always a good idea to provide a fraudulent impression of who you are.


Talking until you realize you’re in love (which can only ever happen accidentally by way of building a friendship) takes courage, and a willingness to open up and make yourself vulnerable to another person. If you can meet those perquisites, then it’s simple, and easy, and at the same time neither of those things. It’s one of the most harrowing experiences I have ever had, and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Only fools and Shakespeare characters fall in love, the rest of us have to climb into it.

Sadly, toxic masculinity engenders a great fear of being vulnerable, which might be why so many men skip talking and instead send dick pics (and then complain that they can’t get dates).


You give that impression once you meet them, which is the only thing that counts. That’s probably also (a reason) why they move on so quickly when the other side isn’t into a rapid progression. This isn’t for long intimate chatting. All the customer is looking for, is a person who is willing to go out with someone that looks like them.

Again, I’m not necessarily endorsing it. It’s also an instrument for creeps and assholes, who are definitely there. But you don’t have to automatically ascribe the worst motive to everyone involved. The appearance-affinity thing is kind of important. Even if you look (or think you look) goofy, there is probably somebody into that. Finding them would be nice - and now you have the tool.

The techniques are certainly objectionable - but I am really convinced that the “core customer” just wants to meet… well, anyone who saw his photos, was ok with it and is willing to give him her number - so he can call her and take it from there. (Obviously, no one should use a proxy past that point.) No time lost with those that aren’t really interested and as many opportunities explored as possible. (The “like” rate - not even “match” rate - for the median guy is supposedly <1%) And since the company is getting paid for sheer numbers, it’s willing to employ any tactic to get them. So I understand the pressure there. But as a whole, I don’t see it as pure evil.


With computers, some software aid and canned conversation trees, I think a skilled operator can run at least 5 conversations at once and probably more.


Do it in the nude and sell that too!


Stream that and you’re in the money.


When you meet them and you’re nothing like the person they were chatting with - you’ve just sabotaged yourself and wasted their time.

Nothing says you really care about someone like not talking to them yourself.


Well, that’s a risk you run. But they are asking for the number with question three. So it’s not like there is much of an impression to make.

Yes. It is a signal of one’s approach to universal human dignity. On the other hand - they don’t know these people yet and have no particular reason to care about them.

That grifting squared. The service provider and the mook who uses them.

Quick way to get on the girlnet do not bother with list.


Is that poetry?


From the sonnet of a lonely guy.


That blog post also says that 2/3 of all male messages go to the top 1/3 most attractive women and that women actually do message men that aren’t rated as attractive.


This seems germane to this discussion (I might have already posted it in another thread, but can’t remember):

The comments are worth reading, too, for once.


Let the male surrogates come onto and cajole female surrogates, and none of the principals have to get their hands* dirty. Everybody wins and the economy thrives.

*or genitals


That, in a nutshell, is the main problem with most dating apps/services.

Too many people don’t seem willing to put in the work and effort that it takes to interact on a social level; they seem to expect instantaneous gratification, and that’s just not realistic.

Meeting someone you click with takes time and certain modicum of energy, even if you’re using tech as the venue.

It is, as is this distinction about “incels;” many of them are enraged because they believe society and its current structure have rendered them “unfuckable.”

But often they are not taking all women into account as potential sex “partners” (let alone as people at all); and are only focusing on that manufactured archetype that the American fashion and beauty industry has forced on us since time out of mind: ‘incels’ are mad that young, slender, conventionally attractive White women whom they’ve been taught are mere trophies are not interested in fucking them.


Obviously they need to keep paying for the service, so they can have the other people go on the dates for them as well!


Is there a Vida out there for women?

What’s that you say? There is, and it’s called TInder?

“Dear [MATCH NAME], You seem like someone with a lot of confidence. What’s your secret? A) all in one shampoo and conditioner, B) high fiber diet, C) Photoshop

Good to know negging is still a thing.


Well, maybe, or maybe the person rating male ‘attractiveness’ has no idea what women actually find attractive. (-:

[I have other theories if you don’t like that one! (-:]


I’m gonna guess that trying to figure out what an entire group of people find attractive is a futile endeavor, in general. I suspect that what all the women (or men) here find attractive is a very diverse set of criteria and varies from person to person. A major problem with mass society, I guess, that we’re still individuals trying to be put into little boxes so that we can be sold something.