Enjoy a psychedelic lunch from Sambo's (video)

Well, I guess it’s been renamed “Chad’s” after the current owner, Chad Stevens. Apparently in the wake of the BLM protests in 2020.

I kinda feel sorry for guys named ‘Chad’ these days. Sorta like perfectly nice ladies named ‘Karen’. Nominative determinism only works so well…

It’s HIGHLY fucked up that it took them that long to change the fuckin’ thing.

Okay. I’m sure they’ll survive. Not really the biggest struggle in history, I must say.

It was a local institution. Lines out the door every sunday kinda place. They had really deemphsized the storybook connection when last I was there (probably 2009 or so). The only connections left were the ‘Tiger Club’ (kids eat free on birthdays, etc) and some souvenir mugs that had the light-skinned version of the illustration.

The little blurb on the menu only mentions ‘Sambo’ as the combo of the two original owner’s names.

Still really good muffins, though.

So were lynchings at one point. Doesn’t mean it’s not racist.

By ALL accounts, for much of their history, they leaned the fuck into the association with the story. So still racist.

Glad you enjoyed your muffins. Doesn’t make the place LESS racist.

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