The production values, my god. If you can’t frame a shot, I mean, what are you even doing with the camera? I find it hard to believe they couldn’t find one decent camera operator with fascist leanings. Leni Riefenstahl never had these problems!
Is there an alt-version of the word “enjoy” that I don’t know about? /s
They’ve taken back “deplore”, so…?
Who knew that it would be the conservatives that would bring about the nightmarish future of Harrison Bergeron?
Anyone who knows the difference between competent skill developed by someone who had to be poor during the years needed… and whatever the fuck that was, put together by people who have a trust fund from Dad and a stipend paid by multiple billionaires.
This reboot of The Office is just not as funny as the original (or the original before that).
Obviously they couldn’t find any decent microphones that day and pulled some old cassette recorder ones out of a junkbox.
+1 to you, good sir/madam!
Is it just me or is this another obvious trap for the MSM to fall into so that the whitehouse can call out liberals as being more interested in slick production values than in the content of the news?
It shows, sadly.
Of course, to the target audience, the semiotics of the badly framed shot, the stuttering, the weird pauses – they don’t read as “stupid” so much as “sincere” and “real.” Trump’s core and the alt-right people who energize it don’t care about professional: they like memes.
It was live on Facebook
I have absolutely no idea what i was trying to write there. The video is still funny though!
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