Entitled anti-vaxxers weasel around California law to dangerously enroll their kids in school

As seen on Twitter: (a poster’s friend) says don’t call them anti-vaxxers - call them pro-disease instead.


What a great argument for DESTROYING CHARTER and PRIVATE SCHOOLS.

Sorry, but just because you’re rich and whiny does’t mean you get to break all the rules of a collective society. And letting rich people have schools that suck up tax money/ steal kids and money from the public sector and don’t have to follow the rules is a strong slap in the face of everyone who believes all people are, in fact, created equal.

No Home schools. No Charter Schools. No Private Schools. And if you go to school, you get your shots. No exceptions.


I rather doubt any of those dates are the “back when…” that mous had in mind, nor when s/he was vaccinated.

I was vaccinated back when govt was on the peoples side

(And Magna Carta was not really about “the people”, but let’s not split hairs.)

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I’m sorry, but to the person who said “When has the Government been on the people’s side?” Uh, did you drive on a road today? Use the Internet? Turn on the power? Not perish in a plane collision above O’Hare? Not die eating tainted horsemeat in your burger? Not get measles, mumps or rubella and get dead/sterile? Had a building NOT fall on you due to a minor concern?

THEN THE GOVERNMENT HAS DONE GOOD THINGS FOR YOU, you myopic Libertarian. THE GOVERNMENT DOES GOOD THINGS FOR YOU ALL THE TIME. It’s called ‘Civilization.’ It may not work, or work exactly as you want it to (hence the ‘more perfect’ in the Constitution), but, Christ, am I tired of amateur Libertarians saying the Government does noting and Information wants to be free – both are wrong as hell and dumb as wood, as Ideas go. (Note: I am not calling Libertarians stupid. But I am calling their philosophy and its modern, anti-gumming expression stupid as hell.)



For avoidance of doubt, that was not me. (Not sure why this is a reply to me.)

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When they say “Why do you care if I vaccinate my child?” this is why. Where do you suppose you might find a significant number of immunocompromised people? I know, how about a hospital!


If they government gets to claim every good thing, they also have to take responsibility for all the bad things. Every war can be blamed on a government.

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A neodymium magnet for science-challenged dupable dingbats.

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No, every war can be blamed on a Leader, you know? Also, if every war can be blamed on a Gov’t, do they get credit for peace?

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As the thread on this is already closed I’ll just leave it here.


Goddamn. :angry:


And then some.


Well shit…


30% of kids with vaccine exemptions? These folks will find out how much viruses care about your bank balance or white privilege. Unreal, man, just unreal.


Nobody is getting rich off vaccination. Big Pharma only keeps it going out of obligation to the public. It is never a profit maker (its users only take it once, maybe twice at most), its components are difficult to mass produce compared to other pharmaceuticals.

The Anti-vaxx POV is just stupidity incarnate. There is not a single argument from them which is even remotely rational. Libertarian arguments are also garbage. Its all about trying to benefit from a system without contributing towards it.

“Oh no, the government is actually doing its duty and serving the interests of the public!”


There are no clear leaders. There’s always a figurehead but no leaders.

Sure, as theoretical as that sounds, I’m willing to grant them the credit if peace ever breaks out.

Except weed exemptions for sketchy reasons don’t create a public health menace. (It’s not like doctors haven’t been writing stretchy prescriptions for decades prior anyway.)


See the whole OxyContin Perdue Pharma shitshow if you need evidence of that. There are others, most will never rise to the level of national disaster as this one did.


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