Originally published at: EPCOT plays host to happiest fistfight on earth | Boing Boing
Probably someone said “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.”
Apparently thems fightin’ words now.
There was a much-publicized family brawl in Disneyland’s Toontown back in 2019. I know that for many people the pressure to have a “perfect” day with your family at a Disney theme park is really stressful, because it’s often a once-in-a-lifetime thing and costs an absolute fortune for a family these days. I think it can cause some people to snap when things don’t go their way because of long lines, broken down rides, packed crowds and whatnot.
Plus a certain percentage of humanity is just prone to be violent jerks, so anywhere that lots of people congregate is probably bound to be the site of a fight eventually.
This is a reasonable and well-thought-out theory that probably doesn’t belong associated with something in Florida.
No one fights like Gaston
Douses lights like Gaston
In a wrestling match nobody bites like Gaston
This is EPCOT. They were probably as upset as I was that they turned the Living Seas into a dorky Finding Nemo ride.
Season’s Greetings, to all.
Yule punch your family members.
i don’t know why i’m surprised that there’s an entire youtube news channel dedicated to nothing but disney stuff, but i am.
That channel is dedicated to WDW – there are TONS of Disneyland Resort etc ones as well.
I just say “Happy Kwanzaa” to piss off the people who get bent about the whole “war on Christmas” thing…
(says a buddhist married to a jew, who both love a very secular Christmas…)
Why… why the heck does this exist?
On a hilarious tangent, the 5th edition D&D Monster Manual entry for lycanthropes has, as the accent art, a guy that is dressed suspiciously like Gaston, which has led me to write a filk to that refrain:
NO… ONE… Hits like Gaston!
No one crits like Gaston!
No one screams like a little girl when they get bit like gaston!
/me wanders off to the tavern.
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