Originally published at: Massive fist fight breaks out between families over photo-op at Disney World (video) | Boing Boing
I’ve had plenty of people walk directly in front of me while I took pictures at Disney, Universal, and any other place. At 2:30 in the afternoon I can’t imagine anything is remotely special enough to fight about - I have seen people get into arguments about getting that “empty street” picture in MK when you do the early morning breakfast and get super early admission. I found it was easier just to wait 15 seconds, but what do I know.
Not that there’s ever a good excuse to start a brawl there, but based on the photos the place wasn’t even crowded at the time, so it’s not like there was a huge wait or organized queue to get photos at that location. But when you have about 60 million visitors at Disney World every year I guess that statistically you’re going to get a few nutcases in the mix.
It appears that the Magic Kingdom is slowly descending into a really expensive Chuck E Cheese.
Ok, I’ll say it first - Desantis World
A good many years ago I was in front of the castle trying to take a picture of the topiaries. Some fool walked in front of me with a camcorder. Someone there’s a tape of me saying “asshole”.
Getting these kinds of “perfect group shot” pictures is more hassle than it’s worth, i avoid them as much as possible though sometimes its unavoidable
Mission accomplished for both families. Plenty of photo and video opportunities plus international viral fame.
Meh, we always just take photos where ever we are, years from now, or then, the important thing is who’s in the photo, not what’s in the background.
Years ago I dabbled in wedding photography but it’s way too stressful so I stuck with event photography.
The last wedding I shot was two young kids(18 year olds), neither side of the family liked each other. The mother of the bride hired me and asked for certain formals. I took the first photo and a fist fight broke out. The mom said never mind. I did deliver some quality photos but the marriage didn’t last long.
Always let your conscience be your guide…
That implies a conscience is at hand.
I actually like photos in busy crowded places with busy crowded backgrounds - using a longer focal length will show it even more as it compresses depth and will make a medium crowd seem huge. The photo is to remember the experience as a whole, and if the place is busy and crowded, that’s worth remembering.
If in the foreground, I’ll wait 8.5s for them to pass and move on with life. Ya don’t have to make it hard.
But at normally $139+ many already overextended families are kind of on edge at the start. Any trigger…
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