Originally published at: Erasable pens and highlighters | Boing Boing
No, if you get them hot enough the ink vanishes. The fun part is that if you get them cold again, the ink reappears.
So permanent?
We use these for fabric marking when sewing. Ironing the fabric is a good way to make the ink vanish, too.
Do not use on anything that is to be laminated later on.
I also use them to mark text and to do list/journal.
I have an issue with the black being grey and never actually managed to make the ink reappear… how cold do you actually have to do it?
Sort of!
My freezer worked. Mind you, it didn’t come back 100%.
Care to share why? Do they interfere with the laminating process or are you refering to the “because it will erase them, du’ah” part. Sorry, I can be dense and miss obvious implications.
Yup, it’s the heat. And the effect is somewhat unpredictable, anything from complete “erasure” to just getting a bit pale.
I use them with the Rocketbook system and love the combo. However I fill the books too fast and never have time to upload them. Sooo, more books is obviously the answer.
On the flip side, on the rare (rare) occasion I have to write out a paper check, I have a note on the top that says “use real ink!!”.
Thank you.
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