I do think that’s slightly different.
Your greater point is spot on though.
I do think that’s slightly different.
Your greater point is spot on though.
As far as I know, the Bible never actually uses the word “Sodomite”, and the (debatable) references to homosexuality don’t refer to the city. However, there are a number of times when people are accused of being like Sodom (or just plain addressed as Sodom), and these are generally referring to false religion and lack of concern for strangers and destitute people. The (possibly apocryphal) book of Jasher makes it clear that the lack of hospitality and perversion of justice were horrifying enough to warrant judgement, and it wasn’t just the hot quarterly orgies that made God mad (verses 11-15).
That’s part of it, for sure. But there is also I think the “rebel effect”… that some people will latch onto candidates who tout themselves as against the status quo, who will shake the moribund culture in DC up. They see him as an outsider, who won’t be subjugated by the norms of society… We’ve become in the words of Elizabeth Grace hale, “A Nation of Outsiders”… that might also contribute to his popularity among some evangelicals who see themselves as standing up to the amoral secularisms of modernity…
People forget that Carter is an evangelical…
No, actually, @jsroberts has it right: Sodom was not condemned because of homosexuality at all, but because Sodomites (people from Sodom) as a group were not generous and welcoming to strangers, as the custom (and their God’s law) required.
I am so stealing that: whenever the situation allows from now on, I’m going to call any self-titled Christian who goes on about illegal immigration or “I’m not a racist but…” a Sodomite and watch them freak out.
If and when you deploy this, please take and post pictures of their faces.
It would be amusing, huh?
You guys got me.
Yup. Dr Bob’s Double-Highs, right there.
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