I may be in a state of permanent over-cynical worrywortism, but if Biden still thinks he did a bang-up job negotiating with Republicans over the ACA (which they ended up pretty much universally opposing anyway) as VP, I don’t think any amount of actual evidence to the contrary is ever going to convince him that everything can just go back to normal again.
I seriously can’t with this.
Once we start cleaning up all the other messes, the new POTUS and admin need to make some changes about the powers available to lame duck presidents.
Dr. “Woo-is-my-jam” Mehmet Oz? Seriously? WTF???
I do understand at one time he was a respectable doctor, but with the Green Tea Extract grift, among others, he has no standing with anyone who knows anything.
Wait, so all this green tea I’ve been drinking isn’t going to help me live forever? Say it ain’t so, doc, say it ain’t so!
Well, theres no easy way to say this, but
So what will his next asshole move be?
There’a sadly so many things he can do. There’s rumors of a Christmas invasion on Iran being floated right now.
45 could kill Santa with friendly fire on Christmas Eve and half his cultists would wake up Christmas morning intoning “Santa was no angel” bullshit.
Of course not. He was a saint
Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas, who have said previously the court does not have the authority to turn away lawsuits between states, said they would have heard Texas’ complaint.
Yet more proof the new generation of justices are not the whole problem here.
Yeah, that last one needs FBI attention stat.
And it’s not uncommon on Parler. On the contrary, normal people who quite understandably don’t want to wade into Alt-Reich social media seem largely unaware of how explicitly the users there advocate holocaust.