🍊🍊🍊🤡🤡 Even More Trumpian Events 🤡🤡🍊🍊🍊 (Part 1)

(Narrator): Yes, yes he can. And he is.




Even in Trump’s world, I guess he realizes that “Don and Donner” would be incapable.


That is true, but the thought of a “more capable” Trump is absolutely shit-your-pants terrifying. Let’s not go there.


I thought he was grooming Don Jr by having him (ghost-) write a worthless book and I’m sure Guilfoyle would be all for it. Maybe he’s changing tack, after a realization that Jr just isn’t up to it.


I kinda doubt men like Trump ever have any respect for their sons. I can’t imagine him seeing them as anything but fuckups or threats to his position.

Ivanka, on the other hand, he might minimize her to the point he might see her as a controllable puppet, given his already apparent lack of respect for her, or any woman’s, personhood.


im assuming ( without direct evidence granted ) that this has something to do with it


Is this why Republicans have been systematically undermining confidence in FEMA for years, just to get at that pot o’ slush? Or am I missing a more insidious “FEMA Leads to Socialism / We Prefer Disaster Capitalism” angle…or am I overemphasizing how systematic it has been, and it’s actually more like COVID, where Trump initially fucked up, and now has to pretend he Meant To Do That, and in order to complete the picture, has to undermine any institution that would say otherwise…


Specifically, the Department of Homeland Security will lose $116 million previously allocated for Coast Guard operations, aviation security and other components in order to fund nearly 6,800 more beds for immigrant detainees, the officials said.

Is anyone still so naive as to think this is about “defending the borders” and not an effort to Palestine-ize the US/Mexico border area? He’s seen that shooting protestors raises his approval ratings with Republicans. Now he’ll set up a couple of concentration camps to brag about before election day.


FEMA is notoriously visible in conspiracy theorist nonsense, too, but the simplest answer is, given the Republican revulsion of helping people in need, especially people of color, it would be a go-to place to defund.

The Republican response to natural disaster is “shit happens”, why weren’t the Democrat governors prepared for this? Let them eat cake and buy insurance.


see also the pandemic response team disbanded by trump.

they don’t believe the science of global warming, nor germ theory i guess. they don’t believe government can help. they’re completely insulated from repercussions themselves ( or think they are, sorry herman cain ), and yeah: @HMSGoose they think their friends deserve the public money

it never occurred to me before: but it’s kind of chicken and egg here. conspiracy theories have been deployed by the right and by russia ( ahg! why does this have to be true, it makes me sound like a conspiracy nut ) to help achieve the outcomes they want

why should fema be any different here?


What makes it so tragic is you really could use that logic with what Trump is doing. He is actively using every disaster and emergency he can. The difference is, he is manipulating them by doing nothing, not helping, exacerbating the suffering on particular groups he hates, creating as much discontent and chaos as he can.

If they like conspiracy theory so much, why not see the actual ones happening right in front of them?


Once the old man is gone, the kids will be like the Donner party - eating each other. Look at the collapses after Alexander or Charlemagne when the kids got to squabbling.


maybe because it’s not an interesting conspiracy if it happens in plain sight?

but also because trump is white and racist and therefore the definition of trustworthy in some people’s eyes.

the thing that’s super interesting to me is that people are floating new conspiracy theories all the time - q and pizza gate being some of the newer stuff - not all of them take off and get traction

so there’s not a global conspiracy controlling minds, there’s just a bunch of like minded actors all trying to make their harmful fad go viral for the grins, dollars, and influence

the further down people go in to that world, the harder it is for them to climb back out


I still remember them being the boogeyman in the X-Files movie. That notion aged extremely poorly after Katrina.


And I think very irresponsibly. They have no idea what will happen once a large number of desperate people truly believe this crap. I am afraid everyone will eventually wish they could put this toothpaste back into the tube, even its inventors.


All the plates that Trump has spinning will eventually start to fall: investigations, lawsuits, massive debts coming due, etc. Hopefully before he goes, wiping out the Trump Organization.

None of them will ever sleep on the street, or miss a meal, a ghost-written book deal would fix that, but no longer having the best would kill them slowly.


As ever, I feel like this is a move that would be considered too on the nose to be credible if it appeared in a fictional setting.


Do I even want to know the bullshit rationale?


I honestly can’t even be bothered to look it up because at this point it’s just obvious flagrant fascism for the “law and order” party to put the chief prosecutor of the fuckin Hague on a terrorist sanctions list. I just don’t feel like I need to think about the rationale anymore. It’s just “demonize anyone who could possibly hold us to account for our actions” in (marginally) prettier language.