Evolve, a new take on multiplayer gaming, launches Feb. 10th


You should check out the HL mod Hidden. It’s like Predator, you’re an invisible killing machine facing of a squad of guys. You can cling to most surfaces (think Hunter zombie from L4D) The scare factor is great and makes for a really funny game… especially when you can throw a computer across a room and peg a guy on the face.
You can also pin dead squad mates onto ceilings and walks and move them around to creep people out. Man I loved that game, but it’s an old mod and I wish valve would pick it up and polish it to current graphics.

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Got to test the alpha/beta of this game, which I was fully skeptical of. Had an absolute blast, both as monster and hunter. Looking forward to trying out the new game modes, as the few that were available at the time just hinted at all the crazy play styles and mechanics they could explore with the foundation that they have.

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Really, really disheartened at this game’s DLC shenanigans. I love L4D2 and loved playing Evolve at Comic-Con last year. Now, I’ll pick up the discounted ‘season pass’ or whatever GOTY version it gets in the far future.


I feel a bit fleeced with that as well.

For those unaware of the DLC issue:


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