"Exhausted" Donald Trump breaks down — cancels yet another event today

That, and even in his most addled state he’s probably clinging to two thoughts: (1) I’m not a loser! and (2) I really need to win so I can try to pardon myself for all my crimes, or at least let that sexy lady I put on the Supreme Court–what’s her name again?–can help me keep them at bay for another 4 years by giving me a full pass based on the flimsiest arguments.


I thin the problem has to be those medications can get risky even if you’re young and relatively healthy. I had a friend with an Adderall problem in college–a 20-something who worked out–and when he finally crashed, it aged him a good 20 years. Even the crappiest “tell me what you want” doctor has to know that if there’s reasonable suspicion that he killed Trump with a heart attack or stroke from over-prescribing stimulants, the howling MAGA mob will crucify them. Possibly literally.


Has the NYT written a glowing article on his time management skills and healthy work-life balance routines yet?


Remember when he desperately wanted to take credit for the covid vaccines? That didn’t play well at his rallies, and he was booed a couple times before he gave up.


Unfortunately, it seems Trump could be dead and buried (and his grave pissed on without pause, like a sort of Eternal Golden Shower) and he could still get enough votes to win the election.


He will turn 80 on June 14, 2026.

(a) That’s assuming he doesn’t give up the ghost sooner.
(b) And assuming he does make it, he’ll still insist that he feels 40.


You know, you can just do a 20-30 min speech. Really, I don’t think ANYONE wants to hear you ramble on for 1.5 to 2 hours.

That impromptu music listening to the oddest play list ever was just weird. Like, who enjoyed that?

And he was on stage for 17 min just standing around while they sorted out microphone issues the other day. If that was me - I’d walk off until they got it sorted out. You look so weird just standing around swaying in silence waiting for things to get fixed.

TBF - I still feel like I am 26ish mentally… but my body reminds me that I am way more than that…


This is long and rambling but around 2:45 he brings up Obama.

He says Obama looks old and exhausted.

He also talks about how great Xi, Kim Jong, and Putin are. He likes how they rule with an iron fist.


He gets worse every day and his poll numbers climb. He has taken the lead in most of the swing states and Harris is back to being the underdog. The future of democracy is looking pretty bleak.

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Any time now, it will be safe to assume that number isn’t age, but IQ.


Or, maybe, go to the front of the stage and shoot the breeze with some of the punters, like a real winner would do. :smiley:


Rachel Dratch Television GIF by Saturday Night Live


Sorry there’s no gif for Rosie Realist or Donna Depression.

Sticking with the plot, that would place Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, and other never-Trumpers aboard the doomed expeditionary starship, Bellerophon, which was vaporized as the last survivors tried to escape from Trump’s GOP Altair IV.

For a 63-year-old guy who faithfully and tirelessly devoted 20 years of his life to public service, while for eight of those years having to fight his way through a GOP Congress dead set on keeping him from fulfilling the will of the plurality of Americans, he looks pretty damn good.