Experts rank Donald Trump as worst president ever in new survey (guess who came in first)

I still don’t even know what it is. Did you find the survey instrument?
The other one I alluded to above had vague categories like, “leadership,” with no definition, and then historians gave each former President a number from 1 - 10 or something.
So if this scale had something like, “Influence,” I could see T getting a few points.
I’ve become quite jaded about these “expert surveys” if they don’t share the survey instrument.


Regarding Reagan as POTUS:

To you and those who look like yourself? Perhaps.

To POC, the LGBTQ+ community, or anyone suffering from mental illness, drug addiction or AIDS at that time?

Not so much.


And the homelessness crisis that MAGAts love to complain about? That can be laid square at the feet of Regan. Between the War on Drugs and gutting the mental healthcare system, he owns most of the blame for it.


In many ways, Trump’s fascism is letting everyone see how the Republicans already treated minorities for a long time now. Heck, using the military against citizens of Mexican descent is something they did under Eisenhower.


Don’t forget the Savings & Loans crisis perpetrated on his watch.


No, it wasn’t. I was an adult at the time, so my memory isn’t tinged with childhood.

The Republican party itself wasn’t keen on him the first time: they needed someone charismatic to take back the White House and hopefully drive more down-ballot Republican votes as well, so they went along with him begrudgingly in 1980. By 1984, they decided he was the greatest thing since sliced bread.


In Chicago, every level of mental healthcare dropped down one. If you were in residential care, you were dropped to halfway house. If you were halfway house, you were dropped to outpatient. And if you were outpatient, you were dropped entirely.

There were a substantial number of residential and halfway care facilities in certain neighborhoods of Chicago which STILL haven’t recovered, like Uptown and Edgewater.


Oh! Oh! Iran-Contra!!!

I was a child at the time, and I thought he was awful at the time. I had no warm and fuzzy feelings for his grandfather act… at all.


At the time, I already had a grandfather I adored. Creeped me the fuck out that this turd was trying to copy the role. I remember “No, you’re supposed to listen!” kept running running through my head in imaginary dialogue with him.


(Sack’s obituary, but mostly about “The President’s Speech” from “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat”, to which I couldn’t find a working link at a pinch. Read the book. It’s really good.)

Okay, I am pretty sure I don’t have aphasia. But I do remember that whenever Reagan (when he was president) was on TV my inner warning lights flashed brightly and a little voice said “It’s an act. (And a bad one at that.) He’s lying. He’s trying to sell you something you can’t afford.”


Not 100% sure about graphing, but this seems to be some kind of historical necessity.


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