Explaining marine invertebrate reproductive strategies to the lobster-obsessed Jordan Peterson

Yeah, that always works…


They didn’t read the book either.


She missed the entire point of the lobster part of the book.


I did too… my mom had a cookbook I used to read a couple decades ago where the author went to great lengths to consult on the most humane way to kill a lobster, and concluded that it was swift head-down immersion in already-boiling water. Apparently the method has fallen out of favor, rightfully or not. Part of the problem seems to be that you get the “screaming” that way, and people really do not like that even though it’s not even the lobster making the sound.


Marine vertebrate reproductive strategy:



Oh. Well then could you parse out the Real Truth to me in sign language whilst holding a pair of lobster claws?

I’d also be glad if you spelled it out on a beach in giant letters that consist of nothing but washed-up lobster shells.

Okay thanks!


Wait, I thought transgenderism was unnatural?!


I saw an article about him on another website recently, and it seemed like everyone but me had heard of/read him. I guess he’s the flavor of the month.


Beyond obligatory:



Humans! :joy:

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I love how the main objection to this mockery amounts to “no, that’s not the cherry-picked lobster factoid Peterson was using to prop up his shaky point about humans. Unfair!”


When they’re that slobbering drunk they can qualify as invertebrate as well.


Points for snark.

tl;dr–> Humanity isn’t divorced from biology. We respond to stimuli in ways we might not like, in ways that have little regard for ideology. Pretending that humans aren’t the end product of evolution designed to optimize reproductive success is folly, and makes for a great deal of misery.

The parts of brains that respond to pleasure and pain are very old. They haven’t changed and aren’t going to change.

Somebody mentioned him to me ages and ages ago and I checked him out and found that he was one of those people who retail mundane insight and gibberish at premium prices, shrugged and went away. And now I see him everywhere in articles by people who are determined that I think he is a Menace.

God alone knows why but there you go.


Biology ain’t destiny, either. It’s a complex interaction of our biology, our environment, and our culture that shapes who we are as people.

Who said we’re the “end point”?


He’s seen as a pedigreed gateway to the alt-right (esp. the misogynist sector). There are lots of rubes out there who didn’t identify him as a charlatan as quickly as most of us here did and who likely never will.


You’re quite right, biology isn’t destiny. But 100,000 years of evolution vs. at best 500 years of social progress? Not even a contest.

The race isn’t always to the swiftest, not the battle to the strongest… but that’s the way to bet.

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We have no idea what life was like for our ancestors prior to written history, at least no in the fine grain details of the relationship between men and women. Assuming that men always dominated women is projecting our current prejudices onto the past in a way we can’t confirm.

Just a cursory examination of cultures that existed over the course of human history shows us that we don’t know that our assumptions about human behavior as dominated by biology is correct. Matriarchal societies have existed, as have more egalitarian ones. Patriarchal hierarchal societies aren’t inevitable. For example:

Hopi Native Americans have matriarchal structures, historically:

We are also not lobsters. Lobster (as far as we know) don’t really create complex social systems to live within. They act far more on instinct, where as we abstract and create moral laws to live within (even as we often struggle to adhere to them). The entire struggle to rise above our supposed ingrained biological impulses are a key part of being a human being.


Yes, that’s what I read about him. One was an article comparing his philosophy to the movie ‘Fight Club’. I researched Fight Club on IMDB and found there are a number of people for whom the movie was an awakening, clouds parted, light shone upon them. Ok, fine. Young men beating each other bloody doesn’t appeal to me, but to each his own.