Explore Dante's Inferno as a fantastic interactive visualization

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/01/02/explore-dantes-inferno-as-a.html


Nicely done, and very cool that you can view it in Italian as well as English - I’m studying the language, and this looks like it will be a great resource!


A few months ago, I was reading… something, can’t remember what… and came across the word inverno, which means winter in Italian. I’ve read Inferno many times, privately and in different literature classes at different colleges and universities. But I don’t recall ever hearing about the linguistic parallel between inferno = hell, and inverno = winter.

But it totally makes sense, because in Inferno, hell gets colder as you descend, until you find Lucifer in the bottom-most pit, embedded in a frozen lake. I’m guessing this is common knowledge (in better schools, or literature classes, or Italy), but it was a moment of enlightenment for me.


Yeah, the whole thing was just about cleaning up the root cellar so you could eat in the middle ages and turning it into a food blog where nobody else’s food blog was appetizing no matter how much salt was on it, and with no free rhyming. Sort of an 8-mile pre-progressive reform, or it would have a real mood.

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