Extreme bass in car stereos trigger orgasms?

Far out.

What’s an electric sitar sound like through a half-submerged speaker? (for example)

Got any recordings still?

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Bubbly and fizzy with a lot of slapping sounds. Kind of sounds like the ocean when I slowed it down. Like the froth after a large wave breaks.

I still have all the recordings, but they’re mostly just loops since I can’t open the project files because most of the apps I used are defunct. However, I’ve kept an old Mac in storage just for the purpose of putting them all back together and exporting them out. I might mess with the loops later this summer and put something together after I get a new guitar or get my current one repaired and stick them on SoundCloud. Been wanting to do that for a long time, so I guess this summer is as good as any to finally do it.


I can’t wait to hear it, I’ve bookmarked your post and will listen later this evening! Thanks!

In that case you’ll be wanting the full-length HQ version.

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Ha, as soon as the vocals kicked in I realized I had heard it before on Boing Boing or somewhere. Love it.

I really like the description given by soundcloud user ‘PsychicWhoosh’

“This thing is having a profound impact on my view of the universe at the moment, that here, hidden in this crappy, commercial pop song is a piece of music so transcendent in its cosmic beauty, it is moving me to heights of spiritual ecstasy. It was there all along, like a cipher hiding in plain sight which no one knew needed decoding. It simply needed to be tuned to the right frequency, to be tracked along the proper coordinates of time. A secret is being revealed here – Everything that exists, and the entire sum of its infinite permutations, swirls in a blinding cloud of energy so radiantly exquisite, your soul would simply burst if confronted by the singularity.”

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A secret is being revealed here – Everything that exists, and the entire sum of its infinite permutations, swirls in a blinding cloud of energy so radiantly exquisite, your soul would simply burst if confronted by the singularity.”

But, seriously, I do enjoy that description from PsychicWhoosh as well. It’s a great way in my opinion to describe what a singularity would perhaps feel like or at least how it would manifest itself to an enlightened observer who could truly tap into such a thing. Knowing every nuance of everything all at once, so to speak, while being highly aware of one’s part in all of it along with everyone and everything else.

I think some (however briefly) tap into that vibe after they take psychedelics (in a good state of mind) and get that “we’re all a part of a greater whole” feeling along with those who’ve mastered transcendental meditation who get glimpses of it as well. You also hear this transcendental feeling (overview effect) from astronauts while they’re up there looking down upon the Earth.

It’d be great if more of the dogmatic religious people would tap into that type of vibe when they prayed instead of entering into a self-righteous state that connects them only to a perceived God while divisively shunning everything and everyone else around them. – I wish they’d get more of the feeling that they are a part of a greater whole (including those of other religions, ways of life, etc.) along with being an integrated part of the environment instead of being so divided, aloof or even hostile towards it.

There’d be a lot less bombings and wars around the world or at least a lot less of those who are easily coerced into joining into said violence against their own sisters and brothers.

Can I get an amen?

That sounds like a prototype supervillain weapon.

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Definitely do it and post links. That tunnel sounds like it made amazing noises.

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Definitely do it and post links.

Will do.

That tunnel sounds like it made amazing noises.

Yes, it was really an experience I miss. I’ve never found a tunnel quite like it since that’s underneath train tracks with that kind of positioning, depth and shape. Anyone in or near the area, should go check it out themselves. I recommend night with candles so there’s less sound from cars, people and other distractions and just wait for the train to come.

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