Eye surgeon discovers that patient's irritated, dry eye is caused by a mass of dozens of lost contact lenses

Not directly behind, but around the eyeball (top, side, bottom). Contacts are designed to stay in place, but yeah, rubbing your eyelids will move those lenses around. For me, this only happened a few times (you quickly learn not to do this…).

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They cannot, the conjunctiva (the membrane that seals your eyeballs to the inside of your eyelids, the same one that gets red when you have conjunctivitis) prevents things from getting behind your eyeball. The farthest anything can get is about a quarter of the way around. Here are lots of illustrations of the conjunctiva.


Well, if you get your eye gouged out while wearing contacts, the lens can get trapped behind the eyeball if the optic nerve isn’t torn out, because the elasticity of the nerve will pull the eye back into the socket.

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Contact lenses are actually a species of optically refractory flatworm. Once the saline wears off those puppies can crawl a fair way up the optic nerve looking for food or a better hiding spot.

It’s not the best-disclosed aspect of optometry.


… Congratulations on taking a thread on a very disturbing topic already, and somehow cranking that up all the way to eleven.


I’m having to blink a lot and narrow my eyes just reading your comments. I think I’m a poor candidate for contacts.

How about the orbital getting crushed causing the eye to literally pop out, and then having no vision degradation because the optical nerve remained attached. With the eyeball hanging down, suspended by it. Think eye-stalks.

I’ll bet any number of things could get stuck behind the eyeball in that situation!

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Mine too! Every few seasons, my eyes get worse!

Seriously. Had my glasses now for about 40 years (do I win the contest?). Would love to get surgery, but it’s only temporary and eventually, back in the glasses.


Okay; just fuck this whole entire thread.

<img src=“https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--W9MEg-fs--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/1209022243982179501.gif"width="320” height=“225”>


Haven’t had that happen, thank all the odd gods of the galaxy. I have cracked my skull, nose and jaw but my orbitals remain unscathed.

Probably not! I could beat that, but I had 25ish glasses-free years thanks to Lasik.

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