Facebook asked Pink Floyd's Roger Waters for "Another Brick in the Wall II" to promote Instagram. He told Zuckerberg "Fuck you."

I really like the messages and media Mark Frauenfelder makes, it has bright so much joy to so many. I too am troubled by Mark’s labeling of Roger Waters as anti-Semitic.
I’m truly sorry if you feel threatened by those quotes by RW linked in the story. I read all that were posted at the linked site and didn’t find any to be anything more than critical of military occupation, attacks on civilians, and scare tactics used against journalists who question them.
I’d honestly like to understand what you find troubling or worse, Mark. If I’m wrong, I’d like to learn. If not, I’d like you to edit the story to remove the anti-Semitic label.
Thanks, I’m a huge fan and I would like to understand your position on this.


I heard that was a thing at the time and refused on the spot to never give fuckbook even a scintilla of my personal data if I could help it. The trouble is, not going near it means I have no way of knowing what they do have on me. But I can live with that. DELETE FACEBOOK (from the face of the planet)

(The no more than 2 consecutive posts thing is a pain - especially when I’ve deleted one of them! So I’ll have to mix this in here.)

I doubt Mark has time to read all the comments on his posts. If you want him to even read your plea you need to at least do this: @frauenfelder
And even then, no guarantees.


re: Assange - it sucks when someone who is possibly not a good human does things that are good for humans. Tricky position to place your support with. The assault charges MAY be a ruse to get him out in the open for the leaking, or they may be legit and he’s avoiding responsibility for his personal actions.

I would never say I’m “for Assange” … likely I’m “for openness and transparency in all governments”.

Some point the man/person has to be separated from the movement, otherwise it becomes a cult.


I am sorry if this puts me in the same camp, but I refuse to conflate Roger Waters’s statements about Israeli Apartheid with anti-semitism.

In his 2015 film, The Wall, there is a scene with him and his friend reminiscing about their experience with the Holocaust. I cannot accept that anyone who has lived through it so personally and so traumatically would be someone who hates a people for who they are.

I am very troubled about the slippery slope we jump on by accusing him of being an anti-semite.


I mean, the song is called Another Brick in the Wall. It’s right in the name. Obviously it is meant to be used as another brick to build the Wall.

I think I sort of understand why Waters wrote, “We don’t need no education”. But imagine that playing over an ad for Instagram. Turns out, in another sense, we do need some education.


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