I hope Metta World Peace sues the pants off of them
Yes, metastasis is exactly what comes to mind, especially when Zuck is talking about DNA.
And this metaverse shit is dumb. Zuck is no Hiro Protagonist, he isn’t even Da5id. He is just a creepy gargoyle who lucked into financial backing from the most ghoulish investor in SV.
Everything is terrible, especially Facebook
It’s just so unusual. Zuckerberg and Facebook are always so spot on with their messaging.
Somehow, the time-travelling adventures of Data and Lore’s idiot brother aren’t as fun as they sounded in the writer’s room.
good point
But corporate culture is immutable and deterministic, isn’t it!?
It’s a tell that we are dealing with the worst sort of rich assholes who think “merit” is hereditary, the kind of people who make commercials that use the word “bloodlines” to describe expensive cars
“For me, it symbolizes that there is always more to bill–er, build. Yes, build.”
As in the metadata that you ceaselessly vacuum up from every user? Even when they’re not on your platform? Yeah, fuck off, reptile.
I want to hear more “telemarketing is in our telomeres!”
Zuckerberg, who said he loved studying classics in school, said the name was inspired by the Greek word meta, which means “beyond.”
Χριστέ, τι μαλάκας.
It’s an appropriate name, considering it’s a social network increasingly used to complain about how terrible that social network is.
encompass everything that we do
Why not just call it ферма троллей and be done with it?
So named after Meta Rosenberg, executive producer of The Rockford Files.
The big difference, of course, is that toilet paper is not already nasty before you use it.