Facebook Oversight Board OKs deepfake political videos like the one of Biden groping own grand-daughter



The amount of hiring, training, and supervision required to do actual moderation would negatively affect shareholder value. Which, of course, is the only thing valued.



Yeah, sure, people will be able to make a rational decision and weight the evidence when shown a truly fake video.
People are rarely rational in where they ascribe their trust; even providing evidence that it’s unreliable can increase their level fo trust.

Well sort of. For example we’ve seen how sacking your moderation team ranks revenue if you do it crudely enough - Twitter- Facebook doesn’t have the nonexistent teams in some areas and isn’t actively daring the EU to make it an unviable business there. But it is sailing pretty close to the wind and, you know that whole metaverse debacle was delivering something quite different from shareholder value.

I get that sacking everyone to spend it on AI to sack everyone looks like galaxy brain shit to investors so it temporarily will keep stock prices up but I’d suggest getting out of whatever business is doing that without a plan for revenue growth. And cost containment.


Cost containment in A&I development takes some discipline. Currently, there’s a lot of jumping out of the airplane and hoping you can weave a parachute on the way down.

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I thought that “AI” was uniquely ill suited to detract “AI”? It’s part of its own adversarial training (depending on the type).


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