Yes you’re now required to SHOUT it if you want to use it as a verb
… or being yelled at, I guess it’s a complementary thing
Heh. Facebock.
Ya know, F_ _ _ BOOK would’ve generated more buzz…
I’ve always thought Facebook is LOUD.
They had their AI sift through all the facebook messages and posts and the conclusion was that all-caps is how humans primarily communicate.
A more accurate rebranding would have been “Fecesbook”.
Well, jeepers. I guess that changes everything. /s
so the Facebook page itself will still be spelt with the lower case letters. they have gone out of their way to make the all caps version represent the parent company of Whatsapp and Instagram so its not like you’ll see it except for the small print on the menus of those subsidiaries.
so in other words I guess its their pimping name. it is said that this is because many people are saying we like Instagram etc but Facebook sucks - and they want to suck some goodwill out of their other products. I really really really hope that it will work in reverse and remind people their other apps are owned by the spy heavy advertisement heavy fuck ups known as FACEBOOK
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