Originally published at: Family values zealot Kristi Noem has been cheating on her husband for years, says Daily Mail | Boing Boing
Hypocrisy is the pragmatism of the righteous; I suppose.
Daily Mail though. I now doubt the existence of South Dakota.
Well it’d explain why there’s no South Dakotan ska bands.
I was Born Again® for a few years. Turns out being born the first time was enough so it didn’t take. Bad time in my life, not something I’m proud of. Anyway, I was in that club for awhile, and if you didn’t know this, all they think about is rutting. You learn the secret handshake, they let their guard down and you realize, JFC, all they think about is getting laid.
It’s all so scandalous, you see, and they can’t stop bragging about it, but, you know, obliquely. My people now, friends, whatever, we get bagels or something on Sunday morning and maybe they had a sexy times last night, maybe not, who even cares, but they don’t FFS straight up tell me if they did like it’s 8th fucking grade. Evangelicals - grown ass adults - feel a need to do that, to make a winking announcement - to other grown ass adults - that they had sex. Hilarious, creepy and really, really sad, all at the same time.
That’s why the Access Hollywood tape didn’t sink Trump. To an Evangelical that behavior isn’t disqualifying. It’s bona fides. It makes him one of them.
Yeesh, Daily Mail
Some of the worst guys I knew in late teens/early 20s wore promise rings. One even hit on my GF - and he was dating someone else at the time!
I’ve warned my kiddo that just because a guy is “Christian” doesn’t mean they won’t use it as an excuse to get your guard down and take advantage of you.
Lewandowski has made the news a couple times for sexually assaulting women. I’m sure that doesn’t really distinguish him from others in Trump’s orbit, though attacking the wife of a donor while drunk may have drawn TFG’s displeasure. The drunk bit, not the sexual assault part of it.
To paraphrase Adam Sewer: “The hypocrisy is the point.”
LOL to date the only person I have personally known or met that was a ‘sex addict’ was SIL’s fiance, praise and worship leader at a megachurch, pinched for being involved with 5 (5? 5?!? Are you even serious right now?) women in the congregation. Simultaneously.
The deacons sent him to a sex rehab rancho in Arizona. SIL was fine. She had been hooking up with a co-worker the whole time.
The wife of a donor bit would be an issue if the donor stopped donating.
They make a cute couple.
(Nikki Haley has similar history, though she successfully buried it)
Given the respective origins, I say… LET THEM FIGHT!
The Clarence Thomas lifestyle.
Gun, Garden and Gavel Life
Our real estate agent warned us to not trust workers who show up early and conspicuously read a bible in the car while they wait. That’s a thing here. And sure enough she was proven correct.
IIRC there are passages in the Bible warning about people wearing the trappings of faith while not following any of the tenets.