Famous athlete known for doping has questions about trans athletes

It’s not a “debate” if your “question” is a bait for people to call you out. Then you can act “victimized”, feeling empowered with your bigot world view.
Why not just come out and admit you’re a flaming racist asshole!? That would saves everyone time to not pay attention to your bullshit.


Lance Armstrong a famous athlete? I believe the word you seek is “infamous”.
And I am struggling with the noun “athlete” but I will let it go in light of the adjective.


That’s the point, intentional or not, of this “debate.” You get to intimidate and discourage young women and girls from even considering sports, for fear of having to undergo a “prove you are female” exam repeatedly and being humiliated if they dare succeed. “Protect female athletes” my ass.


Parker Molloy gives an example of that:

Beggs is a trans man in his early 20s now, but back in 2017 and 2018, he was a boy in his teens who loved wrestling and wanted nothing more than to compete on his high school’s wrestling team against other boys. Unfortunately, the state’s rules banned him from competing against boys since his birth certificate said “female.” That left him with a few options, none of them good:

He could simply not participate in school sports.

He could choose to wrestle in the girls’ division.

Neither option was fair to Beggs, nor was the second option fair to actual girls in Texas. But thanks to the state’s laser focus on important issues like making sure trans girls weren’t able to participate in school sports against other girls because they’d have an “unfair advantage,” the state actually created an instance of a trans athlete having unfair advantages in competition. Great job, guys!


When I was in high school in Texas in the mid 80s, some of my classmates were on the soccer team, and I remember them laughing about the fact that the local Catholic high school had a girl on their team. Then they played that team. They stopped laughing. It was Mia Hamm.


I went on a Libertarian podcast to talk about guns. The host was opposed to red flag laws, because, ya know, what about all those sneaky broads who lie about getting beat by men? I let him talk, then cited some statistics to point out that that’s a totally bullshit complaint that’s incredibly rare, especially compared to the number of domestic abusers who skirt around the law in various ways. He got flustered, and we wrapped up the segment.


Facts are kryptonite to fascists. Their only response is to ragequit the conversation and accuse you of “making it political.” Just went through this with my sister over “Democrats coming for your gas stoves.” :man_shrugging:


There is more money in being a mediocre player on a English mens team than a Womens World Cup winner.

Clapton Community Football Club lost money when their womens team had a good FA Cup run in the 2021-22 season, fans had to crowdfund the money to get the team to the games. If the mens team had done the same they would have won over £100,000 and got a share of the ticket money.


“Mediocre males”.


You first, Lance.

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I wouldn’t go that far. Even Ali Dia was a better player than 99% of the rest of the male population.


I know, but I was reminded of that phrase.


What advertisers would support the podcast of a sports fraud?

I mean- other than people selling performance enhancing drugs.


Well, he did at one time hint at having a desire to run for governor of Texas. Maybe he’s trying to angle into politics. GOP would be my guess.


The ball on this guy!


Thank you for doing that.


Slate has a nice piece on this:


So much this.

These “debates” always start by assuming being trans is some sort of athletic advantage. The subtext being that trans women are just men, right? So they must universally be better at sports?

Nobody has ever demonstrated a statistical performance advantage for trans athletes. Period.

The convenient fact always ignored in peoples’ zeal to simplify the world is that variance within a gender exceeds variance across genders on virtually every measure. Height, weight, strength, body fat, voice pitch, all of it. Gender is a very very blurry line but people speak as though it’s razor thin and clearly defined.


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Very well said. To springboard off of this point, the difference in average and maximum performance in athletics between women and men is decreasing over time. Especially peak athletic performance is converging. Considering historical societal, economic, even legal differences in how men and women are treated regarding athletics, I strongly suspect that we cannot untangle those confounding factors from the biological differences in potential.


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