Originally published at: Fan conspiracy: there were actually two different Luke Skywalkers | Boing Boing
There are no Luke’s. He’s just a force projection from yoda. The size difference is due to him having difficulty transmitting through subspace.
It was a side-effect of grabbing a black hole with his hands. It warped his size up and down his timeline.
Heightism is real and people can’t stand a short hero so they go full conspiracy theorist.
Why does the bigger Luke not simply eat the smaller one?
Fan conspiracy: there were actually two fifferent Luke Skywalkers
Needs more @thomdunn
this is the most ridiculous fan theory i have ever heard.
and some sheep tea?
Go on Father, Go on, Go on, Go on, Go on…
Sorry, so the Luke thing… WTAF? People who have no understanding of camera angles, forced perspective, or anything related to film making start creating BS theories - and then a large enough group of people feel it’s reasonable to believe it and start creating fandom around it.
Guy Debord is both proud and rolling over in his grave.
One is Luke Skywalker, the other one is Billy Shears!
if you look at McCartney today, and watch him speak, one could presume that he is actually dead.
You just wait until a physicist gets involved and starts spinning possibilities about time travel.
Bigger Luke is Luke from a few years in the future where a young luke has finished growing. It’s not unheard of for men to continue to grow until age 21, and Luke was 19 at the start of A New Hope.
As such things go, the problems with this theory are just opportunities to invent a much larger conspiracy.
- Continuity: Luke never is shown taking a time machine anywhere in Empire. Easy: The future is changed by him traveling to the past.
- Where did he get the time machine, and why did he need to take it to the past? The possibilities are infinite here.
More and more trilogies! Time travel, alternative universes and crazy dreams!
The reason as to why all other characters besides Luke are slightly shorter can be chocked up to slight malnutrition, as due to the crisis food was prioritized for the star of the film.
It wasn’t the Irish Potato Famine ffs! And and even if it was, Harrison Ford wouldn’t have shrunk because he wasn’t eating right for a short period of time.
I swear, turnips are smarter than a chunk of the population.
The problem with fictional writing is everyone thinks they are entitled to write the definitive story for a character and as soon as pen hits paper it becomes canon.
Doesn’t just apply to fan-fic - last movie the Jedi were all of a sudden magic healers. Weak and bullshit excuses followed why we never saw that before.
I’ve never heard of this alternate Star Wars universe with (non-trooper) clones… but it doesn’t surprise me. Star Trek reboot created an alt-timeline, Marvel is now pushing this alt-reality too. I guess when you’ve written yourself into a corner, then just give the character some previously unmentioned ability to dissolve the corner into metagoo then escape. Simple, eh? Yes, he’s ALWAYS been able to do this…
So when a two-Lukes theory comes out, with all the crap dumplings added to the soup,… not surprising.
So which one was Old Drunk Luke?
The evil twin, of course. They were triplets.
… and I love it!
Paul is dead.