Originally published at: Fantastic trailer for The Green Knight | Boing Boing
This looks very exciting; it’s great to see how Dev Patel’s career has endured. A24 is the greatest film production company of the 21st C. Their output and quality is just astonishing.
This does look really amazing… I’m not familiar with Lowery’s work, but this looks like it could be a career maker.
Also: a talking fox.
edit: Retweets don’t imply endorsement, I don’t like the movie either. Didn’t mean to ruin anyone’s day!
Nice to see Groot getting more dramatic parts.
nice. when i was 8 or 9 mom got me a picture book about the story of sir gawain and the green knight. it was surprisingly graphic for the late 60s picture books. this looks cool.
happy cake day, btw.
Don’t eat too much cake, you get’a stomach’acake.
lol - i’ve been avoiding this because i kept seeing “the green knight” and i would think, “man, i just can’t keep up with all this Marvel stuff, pass…”
ok, this looks good. i’m in.
I was pretty gutted when the movie didnt come out last year, will finally have a chance to see it
looks like a blatant rip off of that one movie with the talking tree kid that only says one word and his talking raccoon space bandit buddy. Pass.
I hope it is true for the original story. I’m sick and tired of cinematic ‘adaptations’ that take a premise, sell themselves as a retelling of the original material, and then proceed to go off on a completely different direction.
I’m loving the visual reference to Green Man of British religious architecture.
I was thinking:
Also, that’s not a misogynistic piece of “art”…
This does look good – and I hate everything!
Is there a way to make the beheading game not graphic, I wonder?
I guess the decision was a foregone conclusion once they decided to make a picture book out of it.
Not just British. Probably the most famous green man depiction is in Bamberg cathedral