FBI investigating right-wing troll's bungled attempt to accuse Mueller of rape

Maybe he got his idea for the ‘intelligence’ agency while dreaming of offering ‘jobs’ to the ‘models’ at the ‘Lexus’ party in Madrid.


He’s likely not smart enough to realize when falling on your sword is the only option. If he lies enough maybe he won’t get into any trouble at all!! I don’t think that denial has been broken through just yet. Hope that helps land a good criminal conviction for him.


So apparently he has not contacted an attorney and there is NO ONE in this person’s inner circle who is advising him to stand down and, you know, perhaps stop digging the hole straight into federal indictment, because as of five minutes ago he’s still tweeting that everything is on the up and up, he’s on the level, and Mueller’s “victims” are going to be coming forward tomorrow.

I’d speculate that by this time six months from now he’ll be in plea negotiations with a federal prosecutor, but in the timeline we find ourselves he’s probably more likely to have his own segment on Fox News by then.


Ex-makeup artist here; can confirm sometimes you have to do what the “star” wants. Even when they’re wrong… :roll_eyes:


Although, a current American Accent is just as much a descendant of a mediaeval British accent as a modern British Accent is. In fact that both modern accents are FAR FAR closer to each other than either is to a 14th century Midlands accent, which would be nearly incomprehensible to modern listeners.


And unlike everyone else facing legal jeopardy related to the Mueller probe, he won’t even be able to roll on the president in exchange for a reduced sentence

Even in our current shitty timeline, the justice system still seems likely to deal with this pretty harshly. I don’t know if this guy has any hope outside of a presidential pardon


Sort of like Glasgow then? /s

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I’ve heard a few times that the closest extent accent to a “proper” English accent from around the time of the American Colonial period is the Boston Accent.

We assume these this are stable across time, but they change and often change rapidly. Even without linguistic changes to accompany them.

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ISTR that as a general rule, modern English (of all varieties) is mostly descended from version of English spoken in SE England in the region around London.

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History repeats itself, the first time as tragedy, the second as farce. (Marx?) Personally, I think the repeats are now so syndicated that we are fast getting way beyond farce.

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Why didn’t they call the British Military Encyclopedia “Milipedia”?

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Goes without saying.

I went to Singapore one time and this seafood stall made drunken tiger prawns. They were tossed live into booze, then straight into the wok and cooked simply. Holy shit that was good.


As funny as it is, unfortunately this is a cropped picture. It’s Wohl’s dad on the other side of Turnip.


I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a /s tag that I disagree with. You were speaking the TRUTH!

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You forgot “prosecuted for sale of mattresses where the tag has been torn off”


I knew I should have gone with the sardonic sunglasses. :sunglasses:

My family is from Glasgow/Falkirk, and came to Canada in the 1950s.

I read something by an SF author, L. Sprague de Camp I think, saying that an English time traveler from the 14th century, with great vowel shifts and other changes like nicht → night that didn’t happen in Scotland, that they’d have an easier time there than in London.


So true. Back in 2002 I spent a year in Australia, doing the whole backpacker thing there. About 10 months in I met a group of people in Melbourne including some from Glasgow. After all those months of non stop English I thought I was pretty fluent, but holy shit was I wrong. I had to actually have someone “translate” the Glasgow accent for me, I couldn’t understand most of it. Never since have I been so stumped by an accent, it’s truly remarkable.


Reminds me of the Scottish twitter memes, and this gem:


I learned the basics from Oor Wullie.