FBI investigating right-wing troll's bungled attempt to accuse Mueller of rape

The extra-weird bit is that Parsons doesn’t seem to exist. No one of that name worked in Mueller’s office. Attempts to contact her just seem to reach Burkman/Wohl/someone working for them. So it seems like they paid her to lie that… they tried to pay her to lie. I’m not sure what game they’re playing, but it seems like she was supposed to be some sort of back-up/distraction if some other woman they brought forth to make accusations was an unconvincing and obviously paid actress, or just to discredit the stories of other women they had approached and offered to pay. Except they royally managed to screw it up. For one, they apparently didn’t expect the media to actually try and verify her story and call her back. Wohl’s defense against Parsons’ accusation was to claim that she doesn’t exist, which he would only know if he made her up…
Meanwhile Burkman was trumpeting a whole reveal that was supposed to happen at a press event where a woman was going to tell of being assaulted by Mueller. The press showed up for the event but there was no woman.

The whole thing is so fucking weird. But whatever it was supposed to be, it certainly blew up in Burkman/Wohl’s faces.


His press event is still scheduled for Thursday. The one where the accuser didn’t show up was a different stunt, targeting a congressman back in late 2017, but it wouldn’t be surprising if this one went similarly.

His last event didn’t go much better; the witness was there, kinda, but it probably would have been better if he wasn’t. Burkman’s reason for being so desperate will come out sooner or later.


One of my favourite films is “Ronin”; however, my knuckles tighten when Robert de Niro can’t pronounce “Hereford” and Sean Bean didn’t pull him up on it. :smiley: I guess it pays not to point out the errors of the stars.

@KathyPartdeux A secret intelligence service run by a “Mother”? Goddamn, is it the 1960’s again already?



I thought that was maybe a rare appearance of the Invisible Hand of Free Market Capitalism, or Putin.


those who speak badly about Trump.

I think that there is a word for people who refer to themselves in the third person; but I’m not a trained psychiatrist so I’m not sure what the exact diagnosis is. Of course, there are exceptions to any rule.


Yet his accent in the same film as Mr Dawes, Sr, is pretty much spot on, IIRC. I guess “posh” English accents are easier to do.

Yeah, but Sean Bean’s character was a walt, and may well not have known how to pronounce it either.


“Loads of raspberry jam, eh?!”




Too much success too young can have terrible effects on a person.

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LOL, no! Those MRA guys lack the self-awareness required to perform introspection.


He doesn’t appear to have had much success when young. Given his age it looks very much like he got out of college. Then promptly got banned from the financial industry for fraud.

As to how he avoided working at Starbucks? Probably comes from money.


This actually illustrates why when Trump spouts “fake news” that it is utter horse shit.

News outlets. Ya know REAL ONES. And unfortunately even Fox News is a real one…ugh. Are required to vet their stories and sources and while they can take some editorial liberties (and they all do to varying degrees) the story has to be based on factual and credible sources. Otherwise they can get sued but more importantly be under FBI investigation like this ass clown.


Should we send Bob a Get Wohl Soon card?


I’d say he’s in a Wohl lot of trouble.


He is still somewhat embarrassed about that. Seems the studio got him a vocal coach who was actually Irish. Ya know, Irish, English wots tha dif gov’?


I guess the pro-rape crowd didn’t contemplate the harm they might do to impressionable youth by telling them it was easy to fabricate allegations.

I guess “Tell the truth and apologize” isn’t in his repertoire.


Before people drum down too hard on the “Only conservatives could be this terrible at a put up job, we’d never fall for that” I feel like I should remind people just how poorly forged the “Killian documents” were that Dan Rather fell for. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killian_documents_controversy And even worse, when the problems with it was pointed out, some people doubled down, pointing out that it was THEORETICALLY POSSIBLE that that Killian’s office could have been using an incredibly expensive proportional spacing typewriter meant for creating camera ready copy to type up a memo. You should ALWAYS be suspicious of things that reinforce your pre-conceived notions.


I hope there’s some young progressive out there who really wants to stick it to James O’Queef, and decides to pretend to be a hardcore Republican while still in college, creating a long paper trail that will guarantee them a job with Project Veritas, and then just start recording every meeting and conversation.


International arms dealing?


Dialect coach here. I’ve worked on productions where I was specifically informed not to give notes to the Famous Person playing the lead character. Because I’m the dialect specialist but they’re, y’know, famous.


That certainly explains a few things about a film production of Robin Hood that was released in 1991.