Man, back in the '80s, who could have imagined this future?
And then there’s the kid’s gun safety/gun culture propaganda portion, a propaganda arm of the propaganda arm of… hell, it’s turtles propaganda all the way down.
Man, back in the '80s, who could have imagined this future?
And then there’s the kid’s gun safety/gun culture propaganda portion, a propaganda arm of the propaganda arm of… hell, it’s turtles propaganda all the way down.
Let’s see:
Might be a legal thing. ACLU is split in two IIRC: one part can lobby, one’s a 501c3 (no politics)
Yep, that’s the case. The one you hear about is the ILA – the lobbying arm. The current and longtime head of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, came from that side and has been running his mouth nonstop since the 90s.
I left ages ago when I saw that was the case, and sadly couldn’t convince my father to do otherwise.
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