FBI launches investigation of NRA over pro-Trump Russia money

Man, back in the '80s, who could have imagined this future?

And then there’s the kid’s gun safety/gun culture propaganda portion, a propaganda arm of the propaganda arm of… hell, it’s turtles propaganda all the way down.


Let’s see:

  1. GOP Congress takes NRA $$$.
  2. NRA takes Russian $$$
  3. Russia and Trump have $$$ ties to each other.
  4. Therefore, USA is fucked.

Might be a legal thing. ACLU is split in two IIRC: one part can lobby, one’s a 501c3 (no politics)


Yep, that’s the case. The one you hear about is the ILA – the lobbying arm. The current and longtime head of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, came from that side and has been running his mouth nonstop since the 90s.

I left ages ago when I saw that was the case, and sadly couldn’t convince my father to do otherwise.


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