Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/01/11/after-comey-firing-fbi-began.html
“Officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests”
Who’d have guessed that pissing off the FBI might be a bad idea for someone trying to avoid the notice of the FBI?
Well we didn’t BEFORE.
I’d bet dollars to donuts that the Russians have Kompromat on Trump. Possibly video of him fornicating with prostitutes that look remarkably (or precisely) like Ivanka along with proof of all sorts of money laundering and other financial crimes.
We’re going to need a special facility for all these traitorous Trumplings.
We don’t have a Tower - Perhaps some rooms in the Washington Monument?
John LeCarre couldn’t come up with a better plot than this sad truth we’re experiencing. Stupid bigoted American people elected Russia’s greatest spy to the presidency of the United States. Never before has such a traitor existed in plain view. Justice may never be served in full but hopefully we can reveal to the people that their petty hatred destroyed our nation. Trump will enjoy his life in Russia until putin tires of the fool and trump get a cup of tainted tea.
He dismantled the State Department and then shut down the government. He demands we pour out the nation’s treasury on the sands of Arizona, but only after cutting revenue by a good 10%.
Does that sound like an enemy agent to you?
And Mueller is continuing what the FBI started, slowly and carefully and methodically. With a story like this, I can now see a plausible scenario where Il Douche ends up living in exile in Russia.
In the age of litigation, let’s use Trump’s own speaking style against him:
- We don’t know if Trump was in hoc to Russian oligarchs. We just don’t know…
- I’ve heard Trump was down to his last dime before The Apprentice came along to cover Russian interest payments. We just don’t know…
- I’m told Trump has nothing to show on his tax returns…by that I mean he hasn’t paid taxes in years because he’s really not a billionaire but constantly running a deficit. We don’t know for sure…
- Some people have suggested Trump is a Russian asset - who knows for sure - but there is certainly a growing amount of evidence of not only collusion but friends tell me conspiracy…I’m not an expert…
- We don’t know he’s a motherfckr as mentioned earlier in the month…I mean it’s possible he’s fornicated with his mother but we have no proof right? I’m sure people are saying the same about Eric and Don Jr., but who’s to say for sure?
C’mon BBrs - let’s hear some more…
I was promised replicants, not this shit…
My constant fear of this SOB is that he will find a way to declare an emergency state, assume total power and install himself president for life. My fears are coming true. Turncoat republicans like mcconnell, among many others are totally complicit in this. Yet many americans can’t or won’t believe it because it seems too outrageous. I hope to hell I’m way off in my fears but the more this unfolds the more it looks like we’re either going to have a civil war to regain the country or will live under the putin/trump regimen. Step by step this megalomaniac has ignored laws, stolen money from poor taxpayers, dismantled government agencies and devastated the state department. All the while fueling the flames of hatred that so please his base. Please present a reasonable argument that refutes all my fears. I desperately want to be wrong but I fear unless we have a military coup this bastard will rule as the tyrant he wants to be.
If some of these offences carry fines you might have Trump Tower.
I agree- It’s obvious that Trump is broke, and the Russians were the ones to keep him afloat, starting in the 1980s. What we’re living with is his Russian bill being paid off, and Putin is using him to carry out his agenda- destroying NATO.
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Real Estate Developer.
You might be able to get more than one if RICO applies.
America does not yet have an answer.
Well, some of America does…
The Trumputin is coming…
re: “…sometime soon a reporter is going to ask Trump ‘are you a Russian asset?’ And it will be a legit question.”
Tinkler, Traitor, Short-Fingered, чмо