FBI on the scene where legendary Civil War treasure of $54 million in gold may be buried

then this is going to bug the hell out of you…


If this was a Discovery Channel show, it would go on for 8 seasons and they’d never find anything.
Source: my father-in-law watches all those horrible shows when we visit and he commandeers the remote at our house.


This is a strange and wondrous area of central PA: just up the hill (to the south) is the old Quehanna nuclear test site (a project to develop nuclear-powered aircraft engines), and a bit to the east, down the river, is Mix Run, birthplace of olde time movie star Tom Mix (there was a museum there, but it’s now closed).

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BB Hostess Approved:

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“Just imagine! A cat that will shit its OWN WEIGHT IN GOLD every day!”

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how would he have not hit the horses with even one bullet?

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how would he have not hit the horses with even one bullet?

Yeah, that bugs me too. Hell, the horses don’t even run.

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Well hey, if there’s a legend of lost gold, and your metal detector goes off, what else could it be?

That depends on your metal detector:


If it was the Culture, they probably just dumped the gold in the Marianas trench to teach us a lesson.


You. Have. Made. My. Week.

Screenshotting these.

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Mr. J-

American Tiptons are my late dad’s ex-wife’s hellspawn family. Brit line apparently is equally dishonest.

Thank you for a great laugh and for my new computer homescreen.

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