Fearsome chihuahua shows her adorable snarling teeth

Why do the littlest dogs seem to have the biggest attitudes? Little Dog Syndrome?

No real mystery. They tend to be lap dogs. They spend a lot of time being held up to people’s eye level. People coddle them. Let them sleep in their beds and stand / sit on them. Eventually they are going to think they are the alpha. If people treated them like dogs, they would act like dogs.

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His/Her what?

That makes sense. A lot more sense than the hypothesis that came off the top of my head:

Both male and female dogs have high levels of testosterone. Maybe it’s the case that most dogs have the same sort of testosterone levels regardless of size, so the very small breeds are stereotypically aggressive and yappy because they have 10x the testosterone by weight as a Great Dane or German Shepherd?

Probably a totally bogus idea. I’m just spitballing here, and yours seems pretty obvious and consistent with best practices in training.

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