The only person I know whose signature aligns with the CSI-esque assumption that handwriting is immutable and eternally consistent is my mother. Mine varies wildly from signature to signature. With all the D’s and E’s and L’s in my last name, basically the best I try to shoot for is getting the right number of spikes in it as I go.
We’re still in the process. We might have to go down to the Title office and sign something, don’t know yet. My first house we had to sign and fax stuff around until the closing where we had to sign in person. My second house we’ve done it all electronically so far.
I’ve talked to my loan broker many times, but we’ve never met face to face. I think it’s interesting that he can make several thousand dollars on a transaction without having to leave his house. Tempting to me to make a career change.
This doesn’t really answer your questions but somewhat related…
I was surprised last year, here in Seattle, after voting I got a letter saying my ballot had not been counted due to a signature mismatch. There were instructions on how to confirm the ballot was in fact mine so my ballot would count.
So that means they have 2 weeks to revoke citizenship for those they do not approve of?
As a middle aged doctor, I resemble that remark!!
This is great news. I just can’t fathom how the average Joe can not see this as conflict of interest with Kemp deciding who can and cannot vote. Especially with the language they use in their supposed rationale, something to the affect of, “Well, of course if everyone votes, I’ll lose, so we can’t let them vote.” This is Amerika folks, a sad, sad shell and relic of how great this nation was.
I think most people can see it. Just a lot of people do not care because it benefits them.
I agree, and yet, they’re the one’s wrapping themslves in the flag and pissed off at NFL players for invoking their Constitutional rights. These people are not rational any longer. 1+1=3 to them and you can’t disuade them of this.
Up here in Little White Shithole, Georgia, the registration office uses an actual paper signature card. Then they issue a numbered computer card for you to activate the machine.
The problem with Georgia is that, under Brian Kemp’s secretariat, voter registrations have been hacked and sold on the darkweb, not just once but several times. This means that someone else may have gone to the courthouse as many as three times and voted for Kemp in my name, especially if the voter registration office is full of my boss’s racist relatives.
Signature mismatches will also be rejected by auto title registrars.
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