Female reporter harassed on camera, eloquently fights back

Thankfully, your opinion is irrelevant. People who are sexist garbage on camera are also sexist when they’re not on camera. The company isn’t going to release private data about his activities at the company either. There is no slippery slope here, no world gone mad. Just an asshole who brings shame upon his gender and his workplace.

She’s a fucking PR rep (“woman”? really?) She deserved that.


[quote=“Phrenological, post:61, topic:57395, full:true”]

You know what I would have said if it had been a man? PR guy or PR dude.

Because, as I said, they feel safe enough in the work environment to behave like their way of thinking is the default. They aren’t on guard trying to not be offensive, they don’t even register they are making their female co-workers uncomfortable. They think, as explicitly said on camera, that women are killjoys that don’t know how to understand that he is only joking.

There aren’t closeted assholes. They drop clues all the time in the form of micro agressions that they don’t register as “wrong”. Really, do the experiment. Ask the females on your office to tell you who is the asshole and what has he said or done and how powerless they feel to confront him for fear of being accused of being a troublemaker. We always know and always shut up for fear that people won’t believe us, but we trade stories out of work.


I don’t see the firing as a punishment by the company. I see them severing a relationship with a foul person. I have ended friendships and quit a couple of jobs because the person/company on the other end of the relationship revealed themselves through action or word that I could not in good mind continue to implicitly support by my continued friendship or employment.

While possibly you don’t find this instance to be a big deal I’m sure there are some things that are ethically bad enough to you, that you would not want associate with such a person or company that crossed that line. Now imagine you turn on the news and one of your friends or employees or the company you work for are proudly shouting their *ism on the nightly news. And then angry people online found that you are in some way associated with this person that now stands for something you are passionately against. Are you still thinking about doling out the perfectly balanced and fair punishment or do you just want to get as far away as possible from this person or company? Dissaciate from them before you get sucked down with them?


Not to mention that being drunk isn’t an excuse for this. Alcohol doesn’t make you do or say anything that isn’t in your head already, it just gives it permission to surface.


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