
The sad reality is, probably not. But some of them are, and it takes many times more good people to undo the deeds of bad people. It’s hard to speak up against corruption, almost impossible in an environment that actively punishes whistle blowers.

Time and time again, the police circle the wagons instead of ejecting the bad cops. And if that eventually becomes untenable, they scapegoat one and the shit just keeps going on.

This is a systemic failure of Ferguson’s police force. Everyone from the murderer up needs to be replaced, or nobody can trust them ever again. Whether it’s ruled murder, manslaughter or whatever, it’s a failure in the chain of command and the whole thing needs ripping out.


Based on the logic of felony murder, they did. Or rather the unnamed cop did.



Actually, I froth at the mouth, protesting government abuses.

Meanwhile, the troll sits, waiting patiently for the Department of Irony to disclose the identity of the officer.

You do know that there is a >0 probability that he’s African-American, no? And the fact that he has not been identified so far, in my view, raises the probability quite a bit.

I know Im sticking my neck out here… just got a hunch.

To avoid this type of scandal in future, perhaps banning all words beginning with N will nip this in the bud.

Bud as in budding plant, not slang for weed. I don’t know if drug references are acceptable.


Although there are rubber or plastic bullets in rifle calibers, but they are still quite lethal at short ranges. Movies greatly underestimate the lethality of rifle rounds, such as the bullet-in-the-shoulder cliche which in real life punctures a lung, breaks ribs, and shatters the shoulder blade. Or getting shot in the gut, which seems to make people very sleepy rather than screaming in pain. Check out Helen Mirren in “Red 2” where a bullet is clearly supposed to have traversed her body and exited the back at a location that would have shattered her pelvis. She limps away and is laughing in the next scene.

There’s no reason the cops should ever be pointing weapons like this at unarmed civilians. At short range they create explosive wounds.


Dude - WTF are you on o_0??

  1. Those most likely aren’t SR-556s. They don’t have a front sight like that. It could be any of 101 other flavors of ARs, though all of those are SBRs (short barreled rifles) which are restricted by the NFA for civilians.

  2. It’s just cops in SWAT-esque gear. Whether they are part of the actual SWAT team or not, I don’t know. It seems like every po-dunk town has a SWAT team now. They could be from a surrounding area, called in for extra man power.

  3. Sidearms for most people are carried on the right side, thus you wouldn’t see them in this pic.

  4. Seriously - there isn’t anything remotely suspicious about this. WHO would even WANT to make a fake photo like this? It’s not like it’s especially shocking or anything. What could possibly gained?

Lay off the drugs, mkay?


Tell that to Mr Orange.


“In another day of demonstrations, protesters chanting ‘Don’t shoot!’ marched in front of the St. Louis County prosecutor’s office on Tuesday, demanding the arrest of a police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager.”

It’s not a protest…when things are set on fire…people get shot, businesses get looted. It’s not a Demonstration.

Those are not PROTESTERS. Those are opportunistic criminals. Protesting is making a valid point—not burning down stores, setting cars and buildings on fire, smash garbing TV’s and Tennis shoes.
Oh…yeah…a football game wrong or right for some team and the ‘fans’ aren’t criminal rioters by setting things on fire—they’re just “Protestors”.

Except that these people were protesting on a different day and an hour down the interstate. Does that make them “opportunistic criminals?”


Mr Jelly Donut (front right of picture) - aka Paul Blart - Mall Cop - pretty much confirms to me that these are true professional Law Enforcement Officers.

Who else would go out in public looking that ridiculous on purpose?

The very excerpt you quoted was referencing people who were engaged in peaceful protest rather than the ones who were engaging in looting or arson.


always remember to protest of the murder of your loved ones in an orderly manner, and with your head down. Don’t make too much of a hassle. Obey.


I had not seen that… it’s horrible! What was he thinking, supporting this shit? I too, have my problems with the Obama presidency, but damn, do people not understand the basic truth of what you said here? We have en epidemic of young black men getting shot for existing. At some point, we need to excise this BS out of our system.

TL;DR., Yes. But then I already agreed with that sentiment.


And HEY!! Free Flat Screen!

Really? You’re defending burning businesses and looting stores as a ‘protest’.

I’m not. I’m just not pretending to be surprised by it. This sort of shit has been going for a while on your country, there is only so much people can take. Violence begets violence, and sometimes, deservedly so.


There is, apparently, a no-fly zone, over the city right now… so “law enforcement can have a safe working environment”… I’m sure that’s the reason. Of course. /s

Edited to add a link of pictures:

And the cops kill another civilian [it doesn’t say if he was black]:

Police Fatally Shoot Man in South L.A.; Family Members Say He Was Lying Down When Shot


Those boots look like they’ve seen service in a desert.


I wish I could say I can’t believe, but I most certainly can.

Also, one of the linked articles on that page… My daughter is about 70 pounds, though she’s 11.

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