
I use champagne yeast because it produces a lot of CO2 in a very short period of time (3-5 days). Very handy if your goal is lots of fizz with very little acidity or alcohol.

Warning: if you decide to use champagne yeast, use it sparingly and definitely use a home-brew swing-top bottle that can handle the pressure. If you use consumer soda bottles, you will be creating a glass bomb. Glass bombs are bad.

[Edit: There seems to be some disagreement among home brewers on whether swing-top bottles are appropriate for champagne yeast ferments. For sodas, the consensus seems to be that you’re okay. If you plan on conditioning your ferments, however, you’re much better off using champagne-specfic bottles that are rated for 6 atm. Just know that such bottles require a corking system using champagne corks and those metal cage thingies. This makes sense when you consider that a sealed bottle of champagne becomes a projectile weapon upon shaking.]