
I have a pretty large crock that I use for fermenting, it was a gift from my father. Actually, it was a hand-me-down from my father, because he bought it and then made a huge smelly mess. He didn’t keep the water barrier filled, so it spoiled, and he put it in the garage without cleaning it, and my mother put her foot down. SO, it came to me!

That means, I don’t have pretty pictures of things in jars, but it does allow me to make enough to send jars to my folks. Tomorrow is three weeks on a ferment of onions and garlic with tumeric. (Edit: And mustard, cumin and dill seeds.) I was planning on letting it go four weeks, but I just snitched a taste, and it’s pretty great already. And bright yellow!

I don’t really know how the flavor compares to the same thing with no tumeric, but the pretty color is enough for me.