Fidel Castro, former Cuban president, is dead at 90

So do Miami Cubans.

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Given that Cruz has chosen to be am American politician rather than a Canadian one, I’d hardly call him representative (pun intended).


Yeah, but it’s the Miami Cubans who are also famous for insisting the government “do something” about Castro. That’s quieter in Canada because they know the answer’s going to be “no”.



Fair enough, but being quieter doesn’t mean feeling differently.

I haven’t spoken to the ones I still know there, but I’d bet good money the streets aren’t awash in tears.

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[quote=“ActionAbe, post:100, topic:90138”]By contrast, Scalia’s death brought me some joy.
As did it for me. I wouldn’t crack jokes in earshot of Scalia’s family. I don’t think I’d even crack jokes in, say, a national newspaper they might read. But among friends, in a place like this where they’ll never be affronted with it, fuck the fucker. Which is to say that my feelings for the living and the dead are very different. When someone is dead, my question is whether his or her legacy is worthy of my respect (because for the person themselves, they’re their problems are over). Scalia is a hell no on that one, Kissinger isn’t far behind there, and Castro is an I’m not qualified to have an opinion on it, but friends who are hated him, and they have my support.

I’ve always explicitly rejected the doctrine that the children (or surviving family) should pay for the sins of the parents. So I won’t antagonize those who grieve. Unlike Conan (the Barbarian, not the Late Show host), I take no satisfaction in the wailing of dead folks’ survivors.

Oh heck no. You’re compassionate and considerate while standing by your principles. Mostly you exhibit humility. I think that’s something we could all use a bit more of (myself included) on the interwebs.

Arrival spoiler warning…

This is neither here nor there, but your Vonnegut reference was weirdly timely. When we left Alamo Drafthouse last weekend after seeing Arrival, my wife asked me what I thought. My pithy reply was that in the climate of low expectations that SF films have cultivated, I was pleasantly surprised. She said, Sort of a rip-off of Slaughterhouse-Five though, wasn’t it? To which I replied, At least they ripped-off quality sources.


Or UAVs circling overhead 24/7, blowing up anything looking “military age male” and any bystander besides…


Self-destroy, he meant

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Not almost. Definitely.

What is worse is I know Trump fans that would see this comic and think it is a good thing for Trump.


The difference is that Bush was replaced by an opposition candidate at the scheduled interval, and Trump will be replaced at the scheduled interval.

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Yes, but this is about Castro, not Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Johnson, Kissinger, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. Put them on a graph and Castro wouldn’t be visibly above the X axis.


“We come in peace”


There’s a Jimmy Carter shaped hole in there.


This is something that gets me about people who throw their hands up in the air about the Middle East saying, “There’s been conflict there for centuries”

That’s pretty much the norm for most of human civilization.


Oy! Don’t ruin the beginning!


Well, while I still don’t agree with Trudeau’s glowing statement, the background makes sense.

While I realize Castro is more complicated than then US narrative, he was a dictator, guilty of a many human rights abuses, and whose policies and rule helped keep Cuba impoverished.

I am fully aware the rest of the world didn’t embargo Cuba, and there are even a few resorty areas for people from Canada and the UK. I even know some Americans who visit via Mexico.

From what I gathered, most of the people who came from Cuba to the US would fear prosecution if they attempted to revisit Cuba. Though perhaps with the protection of official Canadian citizenship gives them, they have less to fear. Or perhaps the class of people moving to Canada is a bit different.

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I don’t know where Cruz Sr. first settled upon leaving Cuba, but considering his personality and the timing i’d bet on him being a Batista crony.


Not according to this.


Mea culpa! Fixed. Hopefully not too many horses left the barn before I blurred the door :zipper_mouth: