Fifty of the most drug-drenched albums of all time

Yes, a clear bias towards older rock. But to be fair my list would be nearly all electronic.


same same

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YES! This one is now on endless loop in my head, it’s such a hypnotic thing and definitely a great backdrop for this boring corporate day.

I think that’s why I love them so much. I grew up in Ft Worth and the controversy over kids shoe-polishing “Butthole Surfers” on their cars
and just parking in the school parking lot was absolutely hysterical, and OF COURSE made us all want to find out more about these horrible degenerates ASAP.

Good times :sunglasses:

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They fucked up!

Thanks for the correction!

Not really on Locust Abortion Technician or anything that came before it. Those are not complex studio treatments.

In high school I used to wake up with my clock radio tuned to a local college station. Twice I woke up to Butthole Surfers songs that really confused me as I was slowly coming out of my dream-state. Once it was “Sweat Loaf”, and awoke to hearing the spoken word intro, the other time it was “Kuntz”-- both times were really really strange because I had no reference to what I was hearing.


today at work I was like “nuts, I should’ve listed Pure Guava in my post.”
for those unfamiliar, all you need to hear are just the first couple bars of the opening track:


I was thinking the same, but didn’t post because I wouldn’t consider it “rock n’ roll”.

Love this album, though.

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Really, when I say them the music was fine.
They were just not having any fun, as far as I could tell.

Weird how people cite this record, whereas I think ‘People Die Everyday’ from the previous album is way weirder and scarier. I first heard that via Slacker and I freaked out.

Or indeed later ‘Pepper’. Poppy sounding, MTV friendly yet listen to the lyrics, OMG.


“Strangers Die Every Day.” I used to say that phrase a lot back then.

All of that era of Surfers was pretty mind-bending at the time. I actually just sold a few of my LPs, finally realized I had moved on, that music represented a time in my life that is gone.

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And shouldn’t we all be, really?
Especially on February 13, which is (surely) Rollins Day.

Happy Rollins Day, everyone! Don’t be a dick!

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“…, Satan! Satan! Satan!”. I remember buying that LP during a break between classes, taking it back to the listening room, dropping the needle, and tripping out to the heaviest psych I had heard yet. As stated, Locust Abortion Technician is thrillingly frightening, disturbingly beautiful, and wickedly compelling. Luckily, the Surfers had an active sense of humor, so you knew it was (mostly) gonna be OK! :wink: I saw them play live every chance I could after hearing that album.


I mean that album is wild enough when you’re wide awake. I can’t imagine waking up to it.

It’s a phenomenally good album for sure.

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No Tear Garden? I’m thinking specifically of Sheila Liked the Rodeo. (This album does not appear on All Music. Weird.)


Must have been a glitch. Here ‘tis:


Maybe because I was looking from cEvin Key’s profile? Still very odd.

Pro tip: do not try to listen to this album while tripping on acid. That was…not a good idea.


shiiit, i got doodle town pipered… lol

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