glasses that work like a dream and don’t look amazingly dumb

I find myself increasingly making a b-line to the bbs, especially on the weekend where blog view is guaranteed to be awash with shite like this, but i couldn’t be more pleased that this thread turned into a Supermarionation discussion. :grin:


I remember when you use to say that it’s evilish to have a device that can record other persons without them noticing it talking about google glasses…well now you sell it with tons of other crappy useless gadgets…

Where are the good old days of BB?
gone for good, and it’s sad noone notices.


It’d be nice to have glasses which didn’t even need to be told your prescription. Maybe they could shoot a laser into your eyes, and work out the correction factors from that.

@robertmckenna a rear view camera would be handy, possibly keyed to proximity detectors so it doesn’t have to be on all the tiime

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The demo, like others of this sort of product, looks like being schizophrenic or on drugs. But our earlier selves would say that about how we already live now. I see the appeal of a giant movie screen everywhere you turn your head, and this product is as cheap as the big teevee it replaces, which is still too much, and you can read a book in bed without having to hold it up with your hand; that’s nice. But people can already argue blithely or bitterly with the empty air, in a store or on the bus or on the street (or at home in the bathroom or kitchen), swear at nothing and gesture our hands around and flap like a bird and everybody ignores it. It’s like so much about the brave new world; I don’t know how to feel about it until it’s just the way things are and what’s the point of feeling about that thing anymore, when there’s a fresh new steamroller of rules to live by and pushbutton shopping procedures to memorize about to run me over. We are all Grandpa Simpson now.


I’m surprised that The Venture Bros hasn’t tackled it – even though its initial hook was thinking about how Benton Quest must have messed up his son by taking him on all these dangerous adventures, it also covered other oddities of 1960s-1970s pop culture that went unexplained in the original sources.

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Coming soon to the boingboingshop! Lifetime guarantee!


Yeah, the first time I saw that I wondered where Social Services was to find Joe90 a safe loving home. All the adults in that show, but especially Joe’s father, are horrific monsters.




That’s actually not too bad for an advertising slogan.

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I have to say, if they had a They Live AR game where random people (maybe some famous people too) and signs were transformed to match the movie, I’d run out and buy a whole pile of these.


Leonardo DiCaprio with bushy eyebrows?
Something about the eyes… :eyes:

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Last thing before using glasses…plugs in USB-C er, charger? Or the glasses’ hosted DisplayPort. Then gestures happen to work too…via that phone? could be!

Gotta click back a ways and find the video showing transition from amazingly dumb to this. Not the exact Vuarnets from Arrested Development ep. 1?

They’ve got to ditch the wire to call them smart glasses and with glasses the idea is to be able to see through them. These things look opaque.


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